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"You know where the office is?" Yeri asked Jungkook through the phone.

"Yup." He said in a bored voice. "I'll be there in a few minutes."

Yeri didn't bother to say anything else before hanging up the phone. She was about to leave the office, trying to not be seen by Heechul.

But she knew that it was wishful thinking, especially after she heard her name being called out from across the office.

"Where are you going?" Heechul had his arms crossed in front of his chest with an annoyed smirk on his face.

Yeri's tension in her shoulders escaped and she let out a sigh. "I'm leaving, Heechul."

"Where?" He looked confused. "Your work day isn't over."

Yeri didn't want to quit yet. She was trying to decide if she should bite her tongue or challenge Heechul's wrath. Yeri bit her tongue, literally. "I'm sorry, Heechul. I will get back to work."

Heechul smirked as he watched Yeri walk back to her desk with her shoulders slumped. Yeri slammed into her chair and picked up her phone.

Yeri wasn't able to even dial a number before she heard her name being screamed again. Yeri groaned, getting annoyed how common it was becoming.

"Yeri! Yeri, you have to come quick!" A male voice hollered.

Yeri stood up from her desk but saw that Heechul was standing in front of Jungkook. Heechul dug his pointer finger in his chest and glared at the man. "What are you doing here?"

Jungkook looked past Heechul, scanning the office and noticed Yeri standing in the middle of the crowd. Jungkook pointed at her, looking extremely rushed. "Please, sir. There has been an emergency. I'm Yeri's brother. Our parents have gotten in an accident."

Yeri gave a faint smile to Jungkook before rushing to him. "Jungkook what happened?" She acted perfectly.

Jungkook swallowed once. "Mom and dad have gotten in an accident. Come on we have to leave quick!"

Jungkook grabbed Yeri's wrist and tugged on her arm. However, Yeri wasn't able to move very far since Heechul wrapped his snake fingers around her opposite arm, causing her to tug the other direction.

Yeri glared back at Heechul. "What are you doing?"

"You never told me you had a brother." Heechul pointed out.

"Heechul, get off of me!" Yeri screamed. She could feel the other's stares on her.

Jungkook released her arm and approached Heechul, his chest pushed out. "You better let my sister go, before I break your arm off."

Heechul's stature was puny compared to Jungkook's. Heechul seemed to notice that, releasing Yeri's arm. Jungkook smirked but Heechul didn't back down.

"Yeri, if you leave, you're fired!" Heechul screamed as the two walked out.

"Go ahead, Heechul!" Yeri called from over shoulder. "Fire me."


"What was all of that about?" Yeri asked when they were safely in Jungkook's car.

"What?" Jungkook pulled out of the parking space. "Oh, the whole thing about you being my sister?"

Yeri simply nodded.

"Koeun told me that I should have something prepared in case your boss wouldn't let you leave." Jungkook explained.

Yeri nodded in understanding. "I see."

"Why haven't you quit already?" Jungkook asked. "I mean, you will be debuting soon. You don't necessarily need any income of money."

Yeri agreed with him. "I don't know." Yeri quietly expressed. "There was just something about that job that made me want to stay. It's almost sad that I had to leave it."

Jungkook let out a chuckle which made Yeri glare at him. "Forgive me, but you honestly didn't strike me as someone who actually enjoys their job. I mean, you had to deal with that boss and people who are rude."

"Or stalkers, like your friend." Yeri pointed out.

Jungkook cleared his throat. He stayed quiet for a minute but Yeri's staring caused him to address the situation. "Listen, I know what he did was wrong but I honestly didn't call you to bother you."

Yeri nodded. "I know. You told me that before. But still, didn't you think that it would be a bad idea to call someone's cell phone?"

Jungkook bit the inside of his lip. "It occurred to me, but in my defense, Jimin told me that he used to call you on your cell all of the time."

"Yeah, he wouldn't call as much as he would use my number to figure out where I was." Yeri spit out. Jimin made her life a living hell for two months, and nothing made her feel better than when he was behind bars. Now, Yeri couldn't even have that peace of mind.

"Yeri, I know that this may be weird for me to ask you, but what did Jimin actually do to you?" Jungkook spoke in a soft tone, like his voice was walking on eggshells.

Yeri sighed. "I thought you would ask."

Jungkook glanced from her to the road, back and forth.

"Jimin was the first to call me. Apparently, he went through all of the other psychics in the office and hadn't been impressed with any of them. Heechul always had me talk to clients last, just in case some of the other 'psychics' would convince the callers that they are getting a legitimate reading."

"So you were the only person in that whole office that it actually a psychic?" Jungkook asked.

Yeri nodded and continued with the story. "Jimin started calling all of the time. He wouldn't even have a reason for calling, he would just call. He said that he loved my voice and would just want to talk to me."

"You put Jimin in prison just for him calling you?" Jungkook blurted out. Yeri glared at him with hatred.

"Do you really think that I would do all of that just because of one creep calling me?" Yeri yelled. "I would have 7 people in jail if that were the case."

Jungkook bit his lip as Yeri continued to talk. "One night, Jimin was waiting for me outside of the office. It was late at night, and Jimin just came up to me, screaming at me for not answering his calls throughout the day. He kept on telling me that he loved me and he even grabbed my arm and tried to drag me to his car. Thankfully, someone heard me scream and they scared him off."

"Oh my god." Jungkook muttered. "When was this?"

Yeri thought for a moment. "It was November of 2018."

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed. "Did you scratch him on the face?"

Yeri's head snapped towards Jungkook. "How did you know that?"

Jungkook ran a hand through his hair. "Jimin came to my house that night and there was a huge gash on his face. He said that some dog attacked him when he was walking home."

Yeri scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right."

Jungkook thought for a moment. "Why didn't you report this to the police?"

Yeri sighed. "I wish I did. I just wanted to forget about all of it. And I almost did. It was about a month since Jimin last called me. I was walking home when I had a vision of someone breaking into my house and waiting for me. So I ran to Koeun's apartment and she called the cops, giving them a tip, saying that she saw someone breaking into my apartment. Luckily, the police got there just in time to see Jimin shatter a window."

"And that's when they decided to prosecute him?" Jungkook asked.

Yeri nodded. "But it was no use. I refused to testify against him since I knew that my whole past would come up. Plus, Koeun couldn't testify into saying that she saw him breaking in, since she really didn't. The whole case went down in flames, he got to walk out a free man and I was only left with a restraining order out against him."

Jungkook didn't say anything to Yeri for the rest of the ride to the company. He simply gripped her hand and didn't let go.

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