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Sua was stunned with disappointment. She couldn't understand what her company was thinking of her. Clearly, they thought that she was just another idol rapper. And a female idol rapper. Someone that didn't even deserve the name of a rapper. 

"I don't understand." She finally said in a soft voice. 

The president of Jellyfish Entertainment sat back in his chair and sighed. "I'm not sure how I can make it may clearer." 

"But I have to prove myself." Sua clenched her fist. 

The president nodded. "I understand that, but there is nothing that I can do to make your skills better."

Sua narrowed her eyes. "Listen, it is my ass on the line if I want to go into Show Me the Money. Not yours." 

The president scoffed. "Of course it's my ass on the line. How are you going to be seen as? The girl from 99 Line who is under Jellyfish Entertainment. That has my name, and your members names for that matter, written all over it. What happens if you embarrass yourself in television? You know how MNet edits things."

Sua glared at him with even more frustration. "I thought that you had faith in my rapping. That's why you wanted me to come to Jellyfish." 

The president didn't ponder. "I do have faith in you. I just don't see why you should put yourself out there on a competition show like that when you don't have to. You're not at YG anymore. You aren't a trainee. You have debuted, and instead of spending your time worrying about useless things like that show, you should be focused on your next round of promotions." 


Sua stared at herself with hatred. The practice room's walls were caving in on her and she was feeling the pressure. The sweat that was covering her whole body reeked. She hadn't left the practice room in more that 36 hours, and she didn't plan on leaving for another 36. 

She needed to get her rapping sharper. She needed to get better to prove herself. 

Sua bit her lip once again when she moved to computer to started playing the track that she was rapping on again. The beginning of the song was a bit long before she started rapping, so she took the opportunity to take a sip of water. 

 Sua moved to the center of the practice room when she practiced her rap with the fullest heart. She wanted to get the expressions perfect, her movements to follow the pace of the song and her emotions to be leaking from her words. 

When she was finished with the song without a single error, she smiled a tiny bit. The song was starting to play on loop again, but she heard it suddenly being turned off. 

She whipped her head towards the computer to see that Ravi was standing by it. Sua was immediately stunned and her automatic reaction was to bow to her senior. 

"Hello, I am Sua." She said before she could stop herself. She wondered if the habit that she has acquired should be broken anytime soon. 

Ravi smiled and gave her a small bow as well. "I'm sorry that I'm intruding." 

Sua shook her head quickly. "Don't be sorry." She stared at him for a split second. "But, can I ask why you are here?"

Ravi nodded. "I heard that you have been in the practice room for more than a day." 

Sua nodded out of embarrassment as Ravi continued. "Can I ask why?"

Sua bit her cheek. "I have been wanting to get better at rapping." 

Ravi nodded. "I heard you from outside. You are really good." 

"Thank you." She bowed again. 

"I also heard from a little bird that you were denied the opportunity to go to Show Me the Money." He said in a small voice. 

Sua nodded. Ravi sighed and sat on the ground of the practice room floor. Sua quickly sat with him. 

"I'm going to tell you about my experience on Show Me the Money." He said with another sigh. Sua listened diligently as Ravi explained to her the hardships of being on Show Me the Money as well as the negative impacts of being on a show like that. 

"I understand that you want to be able to prove yourself to the world, but you have to be patient with that. The best thing that you can do is slowly showing off your strengths with your group, because I promise you, that the show will highlight your weaknesses." He finished saying. 

Sua nodded and all at once, Ravi stood from the ground and left the practice room. 

Sua sighed and lay on the floor. As she was staring at the ceiling, all she could think about was how much she wanted to leave Jellyfish, just before that discussion. Now, all of the thoughts of her company not supporting her in the same way that YG wasn't, was eliminated. All of the negative thoughts about how everything was so unfair for her, disappeared into thin air. 

Sua sat up, even though her head was light from the quick movement. She moved out of the practice room, even forgetting to grab her phone before she left, in order to go back to the dorms. She couldn't believe that she had been so selfish, in just thinking of herself instead of her members

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