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The girls were called into the office for the first time as a group. Koeun, Yeri, Sua and Mina walked on one side of the hallway as the other girls walked on the other side. They didn't bother talking to each other for the whole ride together on the way to the Jellyfish office. When Sua got the text message from their manager that the CEO wanted to talk to them, she simply forwarded the message to Yoojung who told the rest of the girls their schedule. 

Yeri didn't know how to feel about this meeting. She didn't know what it would mean for the group. She was hoping that the CEO would tell them that they were getting their promotion cycle back and apologize for ever doubting the girls and their ability to sell a single. 

But what if it wasn't? Yeri would be wasting all of her hope on this one meeting, and she wasn't planning on giving the company any more than what they deserved. They didn't deserve Yeri anymore. 

Yeri danced her eyes along the walls of the office building. She knew that this could be the last time that she would be in the building and it almost scared Yeri. She didn't know if she should be walking casually through the office or savor the moment. 

The 8 girls finally made it to the CEO's office. Arin politely knocked on the door. There was a call on the other side to come in. Arin pushed the door open and all of the girls filed in to see that the CEO was sitting behind his desk and there were two men standing with him. One of the men was wearing an obvious police uniform while the other was wearing a suit. 

The girls bowed and looked meekly at the CEO. He gave them a small smile. "I'm happy that you girls were able to join me. I have the detective that is investigating the case of the bombing." 

Yeri's throat immediately closed. She was terrified to think about the outcome of the investigation. 

The investigator cleared his throat. "As you know, we have been investigating the bombing of the training center for a month. At the beginning of our investigation, we didn't have much luck of finding the culprit." 

Koeun almost scoffed. Of course they didn't find the culprit, since they were spending all of their attention on trying to frame Yeri. 

"However." The investigator said. "We have found the culprit now and we have him in custody." 

The girls all stopped in their tracks. The person who tried to kill them was found? Yeri spoke up. "What's his name?"

"Excuse me?" The investigator stared at Yeri with an almost frightened expression. 

Yeri's expression grew hard. "I want to know who made all of this happen to us." Koeun noticed the look that Yeri was showing to the detective. She knew what her intentions were. Koeun grabbed Yeri's hand and gave them the same expression of certainty that Yeri had. 

The detective glanced at both of the girls once more and sighed. "His name is Park Jimin. Why? Does that really make any difference?"

Yeri's throat closed. Of course it made a difference. Her worst thoughts had come true. The detective looked at Yeri with concern. "Yeri, does that name mean anything to you?" 

Yeri put her head down as a tear escaped her eyes. Koeun gripped her hand even harder. The detective asked the other girls for the room, which they had no other choice but to give to them. 

Koeun groaned once the girls were out of the room. Sua and Mina stopped with Koeun right outside of the CEO's office. "Koeun, who's Park Jimin?" Sua asked in a soft voice. 

Koeun looked up at Sua with tears in her eyes. She noticed that the other four girls were standing close, clearly wanting to know who the mystery man who bombed the building was. 

Koeun took a slow breath in and out, to try to calm herself down. She looked back and forth to Mina and Sua. For some reason, she knew that this was just as hard to tell to them as it must be for Yeri. "He's this man who's been stalking Yeri." Koeun gave an ugly chuckle. "We haven't even thought about him since we have been training."

Sua's eyebrows crinkled. "Yeri had a stalker before she was an idol?" 

Koeun nodded and lazily through her hair to the side with her bangs sticking to some of her normal lengthed hair. "It's stupid. He has had an eye out for her ever since we were trainees. Since then, he found out that Yeri was working for a fortune telling business and grew even more obsessed with her."

Sua and Mina's expressions grew dark as Koeun explained this. Sua wondered how Koeun and Yeri were able to deal with all of this at such a young age. All Sua had ever known her whole life was training. She knew that she had always had it hard, but she was never exposed to the real world. The real and terrifying world. 

Then, all of the sudden, Koeun remembered something that disturbed her from the events of the day. "That asshole." 

Koeun crumbled to the ground and continued to cry into her hands. Sua and Mina were shocked by the sudden change of mood from Koeun. They leaned down to her and Mina pat her back. "Koeun, what's going on?"

Koeun raised her face from her hands once again. "Yeri had a vision from that day. She had a vision about him bombing the company."

Sua seemed confused again. "Yeah, we already know that." 

"Jimin has been getting his fortune told by Yeri for some time now. He knows what it takes to be able to send Yeri a message of the future. That's how everything works after all." Koeun pointed out.

"So are you saying that Jimin was taunting Yeri about all of this? Almost like 'catch me if you can'?" Mina asked, to confirm with Koeun. 

Koeun simply nodded and her face grew hard with tears again. "How did we not know? Who else would be able to tell Yeri about the bombing if it wasn't someone that has done it before?" 

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