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Yeri and Koeun were starting to get nervous. Koeun sighed all the sudden. "I don't know about all of this."

"I think everything will be okay." Yeri's voice quivered.

"You don't sound very sure." Koeun lifted an eyebrow to Yeri.

Yeri nodded. "I thought that I could lie better than that."

Koeun offered Yeri a smile. "Let's just try to trust Mina and Sua. Maybe Sohye is actually really good."

"Do you think she has been training since I.O.I disbanded?" Yeri asked.

Koeun shrugged. "I can see her focusing on her acting."

"Me too." Yeri agreed.

Suddenly, the door burst open into the practice room. Yeri and Koeun sprang to their feet and bowed once they saw Sohye prance into the room being accompanied by Sua and Mina.

Yeri tried examining Sohye's facial expressions. Sohye seemed worried as soon as she noticed the girls bowing to her. "You don't have to bow to me. We are all the same age and group now. Let's just think of each other as friends, okay?"

Koeun smiled and nodded. "Sounds good."

Mina walked to the side of Sohye and grabbed her hand. "Sohye has prepared something for us."

Yeri cocked her head to the side and watched as Sohye moved across the practice room, towards the stereo. Sohye started playing a song that sounded foreign to Yeri. However, the beat thumped in her chest which made her more excited for whatever Sohye was ready to offer.

The beat dropped all the sudden and Sohye started her moves. Yeri examined her. Her moves weren't exactly sharp but they were exact. Yeri could tell that Sohye was trying her best to make her moves look flawless but there were a few moves that she was struggling with.

The song finished and Sohye was breathing hard. Yeri offered Sohye a small smile. "You seem like you have really practiced."

Sohye nodded. "My father hired a choreographer to help me on my spare time. It's been a bit hard trying to practice since my time with I.O.I ended."

Yeri knew how it felt to try to practice on your own. Since she ended her contract with SM she found it hard to really get back into the mindset that she was in before she left. Yeri felt almost as if once she left SM she wasn't the same person. In the corner of Yeri's eye, she saw that Sohye smiled at Koeun and asked her something, which took Yeri away from her thoughts. 

"Is there anything that you guys have in mind when it comes to music?" Sohye asked Koeun. 

Koeun cocked her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"Well I talked to my father and he said that whatever music style that you guys are wanted to accomplish, he can make it happen." Sohye said slowly. 

Koeun glanced at Yeri. "We really haven't thought about all of that yet." 

Sohye smiled and pulled out her phone. "I have some demos, so we can get an idea of what our music style can be." 

The girls all nodded and moved around Sohye as she played the first track. It was a dance track with difficult vocal acrobatics. Koeun looked worried. She leaned into Yeri's ear and whispered, "I don't think that we will be able to sing this song." 

Yeri nodded in agreement and gave Sohye the same expression that Koeun wore on her face. "I think this may be a little too difficult for our vocals." 

"Do you have any hip hop demos?" Sua asked.

Sohye nodded and moved to a track that was a mix between hip hop but still had a girly feeling to it. The demo featured a fierce rap to start. Sua smiled brightly and nodded. "This is the one." 

Sohye smiled, obviously excited that her new band mates were  liking the music that father paid for. "I have a few more that we can listen to." 


Yeri burst through the front door of Jungkook's apartment. Yeri immediately regretted it, only barely realizing that it was three in the morning and Jungkook was probably asleep. 

Yeri bit her lip as she slowly closed the front door in an attempt to be quiet. When Yeri turned around, she jumped from the sight of Jungkook standing right in front of her. With an apolgetic look on her face, she looked up at Jungkook. "Did I wake you up?"

Jungkook shook his head. "I was worrying about you getting back here safely. How would I be able to sleep?" 

Yeri noticed the bags under Jungkook's eyes along with the slight bruising from the lack of sleep. Jungkook turned away from her and threw himself onto the couch. "How come you didn't call me back?" 

Yeri help up her phone. "My phone died a few hours ago." 

Jungkook nodded and pat the couch seat next to him. Yeri slowly moved over to him to sit, but was still cautious on whether or not he was angry at her for never calling him back.  She sat next to him as he spoke to her. "What did you do tonight?" 

Yeri gave him a small smile as his mood seemed to change a little. "We met with Sohye and we talked a lot about our upcoming debut."

"Did you guys talk about a concept yet?" Jungkook asked. 

Yeri nodded. "We even chose our band name."

"What is it?" Jungkook's eyes brightened. 

"Usibus. It's Latin for refined or something like that." Yeri said. "Which leads into the group's concept. We don't really have one."

"What do you mean that you don't have one?" Jungkook asked. 

"Well with our name being 'refined', we are going to try a different concept with every comeback. Our first concept is going to be a hip hop concept." Yeri explained. 

Jungkook nodded. "That's something that no other girl groups have tried before." 

Yeri agreed. "That's the goal." 

The air between them suddenly grew silent. Yeri was starting to feel the impact of the day hitting her. Her eyes were starting to grow heavy when Jungkook started to speak to her again. 

"Yeri, I have something to ask you." He started. 

"Hmm?" Yeri couldn't even make words. 

"I was wondering if you would want to go out on a da-," Jungkook was cut off when he looked back at Yeri and saw that she was fast asleep. 

Jungkook laughed at himself for a second. "It must've been too boring of a confession to make her fall asleep." 

Without a second thought, Jungkook scooped Yeri up into his arms and carried her back to her room. 

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