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"Hey, Yeri." Koeun said as soon as Yeri walked into the practice room. The girls were starting to prepare for their next comeback three months after their debut cycle finished.

"Hey." Yeri said as she placed her bag against the side of the wall. She noticed that everyone else in the group was stretching out on the floor, other than Arin. "Where's Arin?"

"She went for a run and will be here when the choreographer gets here." Sua replied quickly.

Yeri nodded and joined the girls in the long stretches that they always do before they start practicing.

That was when Yeri felt something that she hadn't experienced in a long time. She could feel it in her stomach, the sensation of seeing something that she knew she was supposed to.

Once Yeri's vision had finished, she saw Koeun staring at her with curious and frightened eyes. Koeun had seen Yeri have many visions before, but it was the first time that Koeun had seen tears in Yeri's eyes when she snapped out of it.

"Yeri, what is it?" She asked in a soft tone.

Yeri grabbed Koeun by the wrist and the tears were starting to come out even harder. "We need to go."

"What's going on?" Tzuyu asked. All of the girls' attention was on Yeri.

"Please, we really need to go." Yeri begged the other girls.

"Koeun looked at the rest of the girls and nodded. "If Yeri says that we need to go, we should go."

Mina crossed her arms. "Not until we are given an explanation."

"We will explain it when we are all safe." Yeri said quickly.

Tzuyu looked nervous and she finally nodded and started leaving the practice room. Without any explanation, the other girls followed suit. The girls followed each other down the elevator without Koeun and Yeri.

They were running up and down the hallways getting anyone and everyone out of the rooms. Luckily, it was only a two story building that only had a few rooms to go through before they were through the entire building.

Once the entire building room was evacuated, Yeri and Koeun were hand and hand, trying their best to find their members. The two were able to find them on the other side of the road, staring at the building with annoyance. They even saw Arin, who they caught before she could go inside of the building.

Once Sua saw Yeri, she charged at her with burning eyes. "You better tell me why you just made us leave the building with absolutely no explanation."

Yeri only had time to glance at Koeun, who gave her a small nod before an explosive noise pierced all of their girls' ears without any warning. Koeun fell to the ground, covering her ears. Yeri shut her eyes tight, before she finally opened them to only hear ringing. She saw that Yoojung and Doyeon looked like they were screaming. Tzuyu was staring at the building with a stunned expression. Yeri turned around to see that the building that they were in just moments before had been sitting in so casually.

Yeri looked at the ground with disappointment that her vision had been real. She was hoping that someone didn't send her that vision, but she knew that someone did. That was why there was an even uglier feeling in her stomach.


Koeun had her arms wrapped around Yeri's shoulders, standing hard and strong without letting anyone simply glance at her, other than the officers that were standing in front of her. Not even the other members.

"I think you are going to have to explain this story to my captain when he gets here." The officer peered at the girls.

"I don't understand why she has to explain it to you again." Koeun scoffed at the officer. "Yeri already explained it to you twice."

The officer was about to open his mouth again when he noticed something behind both of the girls. Koeun was the only one who bothers to look. Within a few seconds, a man who was much older than the officer was facing the girls.

"Hello, Yeri and Koeun." He said in a low voice. "I'm Captain Kwon, and I want you to explain everything that just happened."

Koeun rolled her eyes. "Yeri already explained it to this idiot cop twice. You can hear it from him because she's not going to be saying it again."

The captain bit his lip. "I know that you are both probably shaken, but I need to hear the story directly from Yeri."

Koeun was about to make another comment before Yeri opened her own mouth. "I am a psychic."

The officer behind the captain scoffed and the captain turned and glared at him. "Maybe, you should take the statements from the other members."

The cop was taken off guard by that and eventually nodded and left. The captain looked back at Yeri with a warm gaze. "Go on."

Yeri cleared her throat. "My way of telling the future is different than any other psychics that I have ever seen before."

"How is that?" He asked.

"The only way that I can tell the future is if you send me a message about it. Someone can send me something that is happening right now or they can have an inquiry about their future." Yeri said in a small voice, not believing herself.

The captain nodded. "So you think that someone sent you a message about them blowing your building up?"

Yeri bit her lip. "I know that it sounds crazy."

"It does." The captain cut Yeri off. "Now, can I tell you what I think?"

Even though it made Yeri nervous to know what he could have to say, she nodded anyways. The captain looked at her with apologetic eyes. "I think that you were in on all of this. I think that you wanted someone to blow up your building and you felt guilty about all of it and just told us that you are a psychic and expected us to believe it."

"Now wait just a damn minute." Koeun practically ripped away from Yeri and stepped in front of her. "You can't honestly think that."

The captain giggled a little. "But you expect me to believe the fact that your friend is a psychic?" His warm eyes that were there just a few moments ago were now cold. "Yeri, I'm afraid that you are going to have to come with us."

The captain moved to Yeri and turned her around, quickly cuffing her right wrist. Koeun was mortified. "Wait, you are seriously arresting her?"


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