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"Hey, Tzuyu?" Koeun approached her in the dorms. Tzuyu had a towel wrapped around her body and was trying to get back to her room when Koeun stopped her.

Tzuyu ran a hand through her damp hair. "Yeah?"

Koeun gave her a bright smile. "Do you think that you would want to go out with me later today?"

Tzuyu shrugged and Koeun was nervous that she wasn't very interested at all. She wanted to get closer to all of her other members after the whole Yoojung episode. Koeun was hoping that her and Tzuyu could do something together, especially since they just finished promotions.

Tzuyu didn't say anything and Koeun bit her lip. "We can get some food? Since we just finished promotions and all."

Tzuyu looked up and gave her a small smile. "That would be fun. Is anyone else coming?"

Koeun shrugged. "Is there anyone you want to come?"

Tzuyu shook her head and walked to her room with a small trail of water following her.


Yeri was sporting a black hat, trying to cover her blonde hair as best as possible. She was wearing a traditional navy and white striped shirt with black leggings.

It was already starting to get dark out but it didn't make Yeri any less worried. After all, she was meeting a man in public. Jungkook, specifically.

Yeri's hands were starting to get wet since the nerves were hitting her hard. She was second guessing this meeting, until she saw Jungkook approaching her. He smiled largely as Yeri bit back one of her own smiles. Jungkook was wearing one of his white T-shirts and black pants with black shoes.

Once Yeri and him reached each other, they smiled at each other for a second. "How have you been?" Yeri asked.

"Good, good." Jungkook said awkwardly. It was a month and a half since they had even seen each other last, and it seemed as if they had gotten awkward with each other since then.

Yeri could feel the tension between them. "Anything interesting happening at the company?"

Jungkook shrugged. "Just the usual scouting." He bit his lip. "And the group?"

Yeri shrugged. "Just finished promotions."

Jungkook looked around. "Should we get something to eat?"

Yeri nodded and followed him to the nearest restaurant. It was already dark and late summer, so the long walk was comfortable.

The two finally reached a restaurant that was along the Han River. Yeri and Jungkook went inside of the restaurant, side by side. The hostess only glanced at Yeri and then her eyes shifted from her. After a second, she looked back at Yeri with an excited expression.

"Oh, you're Yeri right?" She asked, pointing at her.

Yeri nodded slowly and the hostess grew more excited. "Are you here to meet your members?"

Yeri's eyebrows curved. "Who?"

"Your members." The hostess expressed. "Koeun and Tzuyu. They are your members, right?"

Yeri bit her lip. "They are..."

"So would you like me to seat you with them?" She asked, already grabbing two menus.

Yeri shook her head. "No, we are going to be seated separately."

"Oh." The hostess glanced at Jungkook.

Yeri looked at Jungkook and grew nervous. "Oh, this is a work dinner."

The hostess seemed to understand and didn't give Yeri the same concerning look as before. She lead the pair threw the restaurant and seated them.


"That was awkward." Koeun said to Tzuyu as they walked out of the restaurant.

Tzuyu giggled. "It wouldn't have been as awkward if you didn't go straight up to Yeri and ask her why she was on a dinner with Jungkook."

Koeun glared at Tzuyu. "It wasn't my fault."

Tzuyu sighed. "Koeun, you need to not be so concerned about everything that Yeri does. She doesn't have to tell you everything that happens with her."

Koeun pouted. "But I'm her best friend. How could she not tell me that she was going out with Jungkook?"

Tzuyu shrugged. "I'm sure she has her reasons, but you making a scene in the restaurant doesn't help."

Koeun nodded. "I know."


Yeri slammed her body into her bed once she got back to the dorms. The room was pitch black and she was hoping that everyone was already asleep. Yeri's hopes were shattered when she felt a hand grab her wrist.

Yeri was peeled from her bed and when she saw that Koeun was leading her out of the room, she didn't have as much resistance. Koeun threw her onto the couch and crossed her arms.

"You have some explaining to do." She spit.

Yeri bit the inside of her cheek. "It was just a friendly dinner."

"But that doesn't matter, Yeri." Koeun whined. "What matters is how it looked. And even to me, it looked like you two were on a date."

"But that it wasn't." Yeri spat back. "And I would think that my best friend would be the first to take my side to help prove my point."

"And I would think that my best friend would give me a heads up when she's going to a dinner with another guy. Especially when that friend can jeopardize hers and her friends' futures!" Koeun yelled.

Yeri was silent. "If you think that it was my intention to hurt this group, then you are wrong."

Koeun shifted. "I don't know what your intentions were, but they aren't right."

All of the sudden, Sua appeared in the living room, signs of sleep still covering her eyes. "You both need to stop!"

Koeun and Yeri stared. Sua continued. "I don't know why you are fighting, but I don't really care. You both can talk about it like adults in the morning, but right now just go to sleep!"

A/N: So hey! I know that this chapter has been long awaited but I actually have an excuse. I wrote 5 or 6 chapters of this story and my other one and my computer crashed. And you guessed it: I didn't save any of them. So long story short, I have lost a lot of motivation because of losing all of my files, plus I had to catch up with all of the stuff that I lost that I had for my summer assignments. But anyways, I will try to be more consistent again because I seriously hate leaving you all hanging like this. Thank you all for staying here and waiting for me to come back!!

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