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Jungkook's face automatically went hot. He couldn't believe that he actually gave her the present. He couldn't believe that he had such courage to finally confess to the girl of his dreams. He was completely overthrown worry and excitement now that she finally opened the box. 

As Yeri pulled the note out of the box and squinted, Jungkook's hands started to sweat. What was he thinking? He was going to ruin everything by telling her this. She might think that he was a total pervert for letting her live in his apartment when she was living there. She might not even like him and then what? She might leave right then and there. It's not like she could ever stay there. 

Millions of thoughts were going through his mind as Yeri stared at the paper. When she blinked for a long second, Jungkook thought that his heart was going to erupt. His nerves were going crazy with anticipation. He wanted nothing more than for her to finally say something, anything. For a moment, he didn't even care if she acknowledged his feelings, he just wanted closure. He thought about how he would have to continue with his life when she finally said that she didn't feel the same way. 

But Jungkook's thoughts were finally wiped clean when Yeri looked at him. For some reason, whenever she looked at him, everything went away. All of his nerves and worries were gone when he locked eyes with her. It was something that he could never explain to another human being. He thought if this what love really felt like then why didn't more people try falling into it. It was an underrated concept. 

The world was going in slow motion as Yeri finally spoke. "I like you too." 


Yeri and Koeun sat next to each other in Usibus' dormitory. The other girls were getting drinks for their New Year's party, but Yeri asked Koeun to stay behind in order for them to talk. 

"I saw it coming." Koeun said as soon as Yeri told her that she was moving in the dorm. "It was about time." 

Yeri nodded. "It's the best of both worlds. I need to be with the group now that we are about to debut and I need to move out of Jungkook's apartments." 

"Now that you guys are a thing, it's weird to think about you two living together." Koeun pointed out. 

Yeri nodded. "I agree. There's just some kind of weird feelings with each other. It was like we were already married, which is not something I was thinking about for a long time." 

Koeun rubbed her arms like she just got shivers from the idea as well. "Have you talked to the company about all of it yet?" 

"I told them that Jungkook and I are dating. They don't have an issue with it but they said that Jungkook can't be employed with them anymore." Yeri seemed depressed with the idea. 

Koeun bit her lip. "I'm sure that he will find another job. Plus he's good looking. He could probably debut as an idol if he wants to." 

Yeri giggled. "I do not want to think about girls thirsting after my boyfriend." 

Koeun shrugged. "I would definitely buy albums with his face on them." 

Yeri pushed Koeun to the side playfully and the pair exploded into laughter. It wasn't long before the rest of the girls came back to the house with alcohol.

Even though there was some alcohol that was spilled in the serving process, the girls didn't mind and continued with the celebration until midnight hit. It was then all of the girls gave their parents and friends and wished them a happy new year. 

It wasn't long before Mina looked at the other girls with realization. "The teasers were dropped!" 

The other girls couldn't believe that they forgot that the new group teasers would be dropped at midnight. They all pulled out their cell phones and scanned for articles about them. It wasn't even 10 minutes after midnight and there were already several articles written about their upcoming debut. 

Sohye clicked on the first article that caught her eye. There were already 3,000 reads on it. She wondered if people even celebrated new year's. The article featured all of the girls' photos in the hip hop concept and explaining the group's name. Sohye scrolled down to the comments, which was what she was more concerned about. 

[ +983, -32 ] These girls again? Didn't they just debut but leave their last group? What makes them think that they can keep coming back? 

[ +651, -63 ] Sohye being in this group is a joke, right?

[ +542, -38 ] I hope that 99 Line beats them badly. 

[ +168 , -79 ] Tragic. 

"Well." Koeun said with a sigh. "They don't exactly love us." 

"They will be eating their words once they see what we have prepared for them." Sua said with a hard voice. "Now, let's just put down our phones and just enjoy the rest of our night, okay?"

All of the girls other than Yeri put down their phones. It wasn't until Koeun took away her phone that she finally stopped. Even then, Yeri didn't say much for the rest of the night. 

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