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Yeri woke up in a bad mood. Not only did she only get a few hours of sleep, but the action of Koeun bouncing on her bed to wake her had given her an abrupt headache that she wasn't prepared for. Once Yeri finally gained her senses, she remembered her episode with Jungkook and she grew even more annoyed. 

Yeri rubbed her head. "What are you doing Koeun?"

"You went on a date with Jungkook last night?" She practically screamed. 

Yeri's face grew hot. "How did you know about that?" 

Koeun shoved her phone in Yeri's face. "It's plastered all over news websites!" 

Yeri didn't bother grabbing the phone from Koeun so she could read the article for herself. It was useless. She should've known that going on a simple date with Jungkook was too much to ask. 

Koeun retracted the phone and glanced down at it. "Why didn't you tell me about it?"

Yeri looked up to see Koeun wearing a really sad expression. Yeri wondered if it really was worth not telling Koeun. "I knew that you guys were really tired last night and I didn't want you to have to lie for me." 

Koeun rolled her eyes. "When has it ever been an issue to defend you? Do you honestly think that I would tell on you?" 

"It's not that." Yeri started. 

"Well then what is it, Yeri?" Koeun looked at her blankly. Yeri didn't respond. "Yeri, I have been your best friend for what, 10 years? Do you really not value me as a friend to tell me something as simple as this?"

Yeri's throat dried up. "Koeun, I value you more than anyone else in this world."

"Then why don't you actually act like it?" Koeun asked. "You know, Yeri, it seems like you are really done with everything. No offence, but the only thing that you seem to really care about is Jungkook. You don't seem to care about the group or our promotions. Do you even want to do this anymore?" 

Yeri ignored the question and burst into tears. "I'm sorry Koeun, I really am! I have had to deal with a lot of things recently, and this is just one of them."

"What else could you possibly have to deal with?" Koeun retaliated. 

"Well maybe the fact that I am not able to see the future anymore." Yeri screamed. 

Koeun fell silent. "What?" 

"Yeah. Jungkook asked something about his future and I couldn't see it at all." 

"But that's never happened before." Koeun said in a soft voice. 

"Don't you think that I know that?" Yeri asked hysterically. "So I am so sorry if I am having a hard time with everything right now. I am sorry that it is hard for me to put all of my attention on the group when I have been getting crazy anxiety from everything along with trying to adjust to this group and putting a relationship on top of it." 

It was Koeun's turn to fall silent. "I'm sorry, Yeri. I should've asked about how you were doing instead of only concerning myself with things that pertains to me." 

Yeri cupped her face in her hands. "You didn't know."

Koeun moved to Yeri's side and threw her arm over her shoulder and pulled her close to her chest. "I'm a bad friend Yeri. I'm sorry that you have to deal with me." 


Yeri wondered if it was right to answer Jungkook's call. After the forth ring, she finally answered. "Hello?" 

"So tell me why the media seems to know that we are getting married and having a child before I do." Jungkook ignored Yeri's introduction. 

Yeri giggled as she lay on her bed. "You're telling me." 

Jungkook laughed along with her but finally grew quiet. "Yeri, are you alright?"

Yeri shrugged even though Jungkook couldn't see it. "I've been worse." 

"Did the company say anything about it yet?" Jungkook asked. 

Yeri nodded as she turned on her bed to catch the last moments of the sun falling. "Yeah, they called me into the offices this morning, after the news came out." 


Yeri sighed. "They said that they will make a statement tomorrow morning about it. They will defend us but the rumors are pretty bad for them to not say much about it." 

Yeri heard Jungkook shift uncomfortably on the other side of the phone. "Well it's a good thing that they are defending us, right?"

Yeri agreed. "Back when I told the company about us, they said that they will defend me if the time comes. 

"And they aren't making us break up or anything?" Jungkook wanted to confirm. 

"Nope." Yeri stated. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

"Who said that I wanted to get rid of you?" 

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