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Yeri sat up in Jungkook's bed with a hard heart. It seemed like this was something that Yeri should get used to. She would never be free from this heavy cloud that was hovering over her head. Is this what depression feels like? She wished that she would never know.

Yeri glanced to the side and stared at Jungkook. They only slept in the same bed last night, nothing more but Yeri's body felt as if they did do something more. Her body was sore but it wasn't anything new. Whenever Yeri was encountered by extreme stress, she would cry herself to sleep, using her whole body and the next day, it felt like she ran a marathon the day before.

Yeri looked at Jungkook again and noticed the tear stains on his shirt. Yeri held out her hand to stroke his cheek for a second. She wondered how she could have found someone so perfect for her. What other guy would sleep in a bed with her just so that he could comfort her while she cried her eyes out?

She touched his face for a second, but his eyes popped open when a notification from her cell phone woke him. Yeri grabbed the phone and when she looked back at him, she noticed that he went back to sleep right away.

She opened her Twitter to see that S&P just made a statement regarding Yeri. She opened the picture and examined the writing.

"Hello, this is S&P Entertainment. We are coming to you in regards to the recent episode of Radio Star with Yeri featuring. We were very displeased to see the results of the show since it depicted Yeri in an unfavorable way. Not only that, they seemed to focus on her than any other guest, giving her 34 minutes and 18 seconds of screen time. The editing of the program was manipulated to show her as a bad person, which is completely untrue. Yeri is a good person and we wish that programs will think twice before they edit their broadcasts. As for Radio Star, we are speaking to them as soon as possible to reach a compromise on the controversial episode. Please continue to view Yeri and Usibus nicely, thank you."

Yeri let out a sigh of relief. It was such a different feeling to see a company that didn't waste any time to reply to something against one of their artists. But why did she still have that black cloud over her head? Was it because she still had to worry about a reporter standing outside Jungkook's apartment, questioning her why she stayed overnight at her boyfriend's apartment? Or was it because she still had practice today when she didn't feel like doing so? 

Yeri's face tightened and sighed. "What's wrong?" She heard Jungkook ask.

She turned to see him rubbing his eyes, looking as cute as ever. She lay her head on his chest so that he can't see her expressions. "The company released a statement about the show last night."

"That's great." Jungkook tried to say enthusiastically, but the sleep I  his voice was creeping through.

"Yeah." Yeri said quietly.

Jungkook sat up to look at her face. She still had a cold expression. "What's wrong?" He asked again.

"I still feel heavy." Yeri said softly. "I don't feel like my issues are solved."

"Why not?"

Yeri sighed. "Maybe because I know that after this, there will be something else. I will work so hard to rebuild myself and I will do something else that will give me death threats. It never ends and I can't go around it."

Jungkook wrapped his large arms around Yeri's small body. She could hear his heartbeat getting faster. "Do you want to quit? For good?"

The words penetrated Yeri's ears the way music does. Even though they weren't good words, they felt like they were. Yeri didn't say anything about quitting but the words allowed some of the cloud to dissipate. Her heart already didn't feel as heavy, and Yeri was scared of that feeling.


Yeri took the day off even though the group was in the midst of preparing for their next album. However, she was not the only one to take the day off. The whole group was making their appearance at the courthouse, including Sohye who was showing her support for her members.

Today was the first day of Jimin's court case. They were attending the federal court house, since a bombing is considered a form of terrorism unless his side provides evidence otherwise.

Yeri strode next to Koeun and Jungkook, taking the steps up to the court house with the same heavy heart. But this heavy heart was out of anxiety. She was nervous about how Jimin's defense will depict her. She already had a hard time dealing with the negativity surrounding her scandal, that she didn't want to deal with this.

Koeun nudged Yeri from her thoughts and pointed to the other side of the stairs. It was a group of 4 girls that they were very familiar with. Before they knew it, these girls were walking towards them.

Yeri bit her lip hard as they approached and Jungkook held Yeri tighter, ready to protect her at any costs. Sua was the first to speak to them. "I'm surprised that you guys came. I thought that you didn't care about what happens to us."

"This involves us just as much as it involves you." Yoojung said. "And we came here because we wanted to see you all. We don't want to be like this around you anymore. We know that there was negativity before you left, but I hope that you all are doing well."

The girls were all stunned. "Do you all feel that way?" Mina asked.

Tzuyu, Arin, Yoojung and Doyeon all nodded.

Without a moment to spare, Mina ran straight up to Yoojung and Doyeon and wrapped her arms around them. "I missed you guys so much, do you know how hard it is to try to stay mad at you?"

Sohye came up behind the girls and nodded. "Especially me! I didn't even have anything to do with this conflict and I had to be mad at you two."

The girls giggled and before long, the rest of the girls approached each other. Even though Yeri and Koeun were suspicious about their spontaneous desire for reconciliation,  they greeted the girls and headed into the courthouse as one large group. 

A/N: Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you so much for spending another year with me! I can't believe that you actually deal with my antics this whole year. Anyways, there's only two more chapters of this story and then it's over! I'm sad to see this one end, but all good things should come to end. Anyways, to kick off the new year, I will be uploading the last two chapters tomorrow and I will make it a point to finish that Wendy and Rap Monster fanfic. After that, I have 2 more fanfics that I really want to publish this year, so please keep an eye out for that. Anyways, have an amazing rest of 2016 and let's make 2017 great!

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