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"So," Yeri looked around the dorm. "This is our dorm."

"Yup." Doyeon passed Koeun and Yeri. She pointed to one of the sides of the house. "You and Koeun will share a room with Sua and Arin. On the other end of the house is where Yoojung, Mina, Tzuyu and I sleep."

Yeri nodded and she glanced at the dorms again. The dorm was fairly large. There was a kitchen that could probably hold 6 people cooking at the same time, with an island and high end fixtures. The kitchen overlooked a living room that was open and comfortable looking. The whole dorm was lined with dark-stained hard wood.

"I'm guessing Jellyfish doesn't skip out when it comes to dorms?" Yeri asked.

Arin smiled to her. "Not at all. They wanted to give us a large dorm since we have 8 members."

"Still." Koeun took another step inside of the dorm. "I don't think Girls' Generation had this nice of a dorm."

Arin shrugged and moved into the dorm and threw herself onto the couch.

"Come on." Sua grabbed Yeri's luggage. "I will show you to our room."

Yeri and Koeun nodded and they followed Sua down a hallway and into a room. The room was large and clean. It had two sets of bunk beds and nothing much else inside of it.

"We have a separate room where we keep all of our clothes." Sua grabbed Koeun's wrist and led the two to the next door bedroom. She opened the door and the girls poked their heads in.

There were 6 clothes racks full of girls' clothes and two racks that were completely empty. Sua pointed to the empty ones. "Those two racks are yours. If you want to, you can unload your suitcases."

Yeri and Koeun dragged their suitcases into the room and started opening them. Sua left, not wanting to stare at them hanging their clothes up.

"This place is really nice." Yeri pulled out a shirt and stuck it on a hanger.

"I agree." Koeun nodded. "This is probably the nicest dorm I have ever seen, especially for a rookie group."

Yeri shrugged. "I'm not complaining."

"So," Koeun put down the shirt that she was holding. "Why don't we talk about your little crush right now?"

Yeri rolled her eyes. "If you are going to act like this, then I'm really not going to be talking about it with you."

Koeun pouted and picked the shirt back up. "Fine. But I'm still curious. I mean, you are barely talking about this guy now and you have known him for what, 2 months?"

Yeri nodded. "Yeah, so?"

Koeun shrugged. "I just think it's weird how you suddenly grew a crush on him."

"There was just something about his presence today." Yeri looked down at her shirt and stroked the silk cloth to sooth herself. "It was like he was my superhero, or something. He just barged into my work, took me and even stood up for me. There was just something different about him today."

Koeun smiled like a mother. "And that's exactly what I wanted to hear."

Yeri realized that she was played and threw the shirt that she was holding at Koeun. Koeun caught it without blinking and lifted it to look at the design. "Ah, Yeri! You are too nice, giving me your shirt and all."

Yeri got up and took the shirt from Koeun's hands. The two girls were laughing when they heard a knock on the wall behind them. Tzuyu was standing in the door frame with a sweet smile on her face. "We are eating dinner now, if you guys are hungry."

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