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"Where are we?" Yeri sat up in the passenger seat in Jungkook's car. "I thought that you were giving me a ride to the practice building."

Jungkook put the car in park and shrugged. "I thought that we could sit here for a while."

They were in the parking lot of a park. Yeri noticed that Jungkook didn't unbuckle his seatbelt. As much as Yeri has shared with him since she started training at Jellyfish, she still didn't know him well enough. Not well enough for her to feel comfortable with sitting in a car with him.

Yeri unbuckled her seatbelt. "Why don't we go to the grass area?"

Jungkook nodded and the two moved out of the car. Jungkook and Yeri walked to the grass area where it was just open land and kids playing freely around the place.

Yeri picked a random spot to stop walking and sat on the grass. In reality it wasn't a practical thing to sit on the ground since she was wearing a skirt. She sat anyways and Jungkook sat next to her.

Yeri took the time to embrace the beautiful weather. Since it was mid-May, the weather was barely starting to heat up.

"So, you might be wondering why I drove here instead of the company." Jungkook played with the grass.

"I thought that you just wanted to sit." Yeri pointed out, making Jungkook recall what he has said before.

Jungkook laughed. "Yeah, that is what I said."

"So you brought me here for your ulterior motives?" Yeri teased.

Even though Jungkook's head was still down, Yeri noticed that his cheeks were a faint shade of pink. "I guess I did."

Yeri waited a minute for Jungkook to say something but he kept his head down. Finally he popped his head up and Yeri noticed how defined his jaw line was. He looked straight into her eyes as her own eyes danced over his face, taking the time to study all of the imperfections and perfections. It amazed her how amazingly handsome he was and how she barely realized it.

"I actually wanted to ask you about a girl that I am dating." He had a faint smile.

And there it was. The comment that made Yeri's heart go from fluttering to burning in the depths of her stomach. She bit the inside of her mouth to try to hide her dissatisfaction.

"What about the girl that you are dating?" Yeri tried to keep her tone normal.

Jungkook gave a small smile. "I know it's weird for me to ask this, but I was wondering if she was actually the one. The person that I was meant to marry."

Yeri saw a man and woman sitting at a table. She then saw the man giving her money. Eventually he ran out of money to give her.

Yeri wondered if she should tell him. She decided not to and gave him a sweet smile. "You and your girlfriend are going to make an amazing couple."

Jungkook smiled even more brightly than before. "That's amazing! Thank you so much, Yeri." He said and hugged her.

Yeri didn't hug him back. She was too mesmerized from his large arms wrapped around her body to move.


"So you got fired?" Koeun sipped on her bottle of water.

Yeri nodded. "It was actually relieving. Plus, I get a little bit of extra money since Heechul fired me and I didn't quit."

Koeun smiled. "That's amazing."

Yeri nodded and looked blankly at the floor. Koeun shifted a bit closer to Yeri so that the other girls couldn't hear their conversation. They were all talking amongst themselves anyways, so there wasn't much to be worried about.

"Is everything alright, Yeri?" Koeun asked. "You seem to be off since Jungkook dropped you off here."

Yeri bit her lip. "I think I did something really bad to Jungkook today." Yeri relayed her vision and lie to Koeun who diligently listened to every word that she said.

"So why did you lie to him?" Koeun asked. "I mean, he probably trusted you and you have never lied to anyone about their future before."

Yeri groaned and put her head in her hands. "I know. I don't know what came over me."

Koeun looked at her from the side of her eye. "I think I know why you lied."

"Really?" Yeri's eyebrows went up.

"You were jealous." Koeun cooed.

Yeri scoffed. "I doubt it."

Koeun smiled knowingly to her. "Come on, Yeri. I know your type. It's no secret that Jungkook is a good looking guy."

"Just good looking?" Yeri said before she could catch herself.

Koeun laughed hysterically and pointed at Yeri. "I think you just proved my point."

"Do you really think that I like him?" Yeri asked quietly.

Koeun nodded proudly. "I can almost guarantee it. I'm pretty sure that a girl's best friend can tell if she likes a guy before the friend herself."

Yeri nodded and looked at the ground. "This seriously couldn't have happened at a worse time."

"What do you mean?" Koeun put a hand on her shoulder.

Yeri shrugged. "We are debuting soon. I should be focused on that and not some boy."

"Yeri, Koeun. We are going to start practicing again." Sua called from the other side of the practice room.

Koeun helped Yeri off of the ground. "We will talk about this later. Remember, we are going to moving into the dorms tonight."

Yeri nodded and moved with Koeun to see the other girls already starting the dance.

A/N: Sorry that this chapter only really had commentary in it and not much happened. I promise that more will start to happen.

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