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"We have to think about the negative impact that Yeri brings to the group as a whole." The first strategist said, folding her hands together. Her plump fingers barely threaded together in the way that she intended which made her simply lay her hands flat on the table.

The second man sighed. "We have invested so much money into her and the group. If we just throw her out of the group, there is a chance that it will lead to bad publicity from Yeri's fans."

The second woman scoffed. "What fans? They have only been debuted for a few months."

The first man shook his head. "There are many people who have been looking forward to her debut since she has been with SM. That's been since 2014."

The first woman nodded. "We understand that, but how are we supposed to deal with the situations that she puts us through? Are we just supposed to keep on letting her be problamatic?"

The first man scoffed. "She wasn't being problamatic. She was just using something that was given to her. We have known about her condition since she was scouted. We should've expected something like this would've happened especially since we have known her past with some of her clients."

"That doesn't mean that she is allowed to be an asset to our company." The first woman shot back. "She is still costing us money whether or not she meant it."

The second man let out a small laugh. "So she is costing us money now? Just because she saved about 100 people being blown to bits? Could you imagine the devestation that would happen to the families of all of the lives lost, not to mention we would've lost all of the money that we have invested in the girls? Yeri deserves to stay in the group and that's final."

The women shrugged. "We disagree."


Yeri walked into a dark room and was pierced with stares by two women and casual stares by two men. She slowly moved to the table and sat slowly. She couldn't help but notice that the intimidating stares were directed to only her.

Yeri bit the inside of her cheek. "May I ask why I am here?"

One of the men nodded. "We are here to consider your position within this group."

Yeri's heart dropped. She didn't understand how all of her hard work would be looked at with a side eye just because of an event that was out of her hands.

"I don't understand." Her voice shook.

Once of the women sighed. "We don't think that you are good to be within the group since it seems that you are becoming a liability to the group."

"But I saved the group. And the company knew about my visions. You knew that this could've been an issue." Yeri noted, trying to not get angry.

The other man leaned forward. "Not all of this thinks this."

"Then why am I here?" Yeri blew up. "Are you only doing this because of what people are saying about me online?"

"That's not it." The man said. "We protect our artists. We won't allow you to be bullied out because of some faceless commenters."

"But you will let me be bullied out by the insiders of the company?" Yeri yelled.

The group was staring up at her with wide eyes. No one spoke.

"I'm not leaving this group. I have sacrificed so much for this and I have only begun my career. I will go on a hiatus, whatever you want, but I will not leave this group." Yeri said in a stern voice.

"That brings us to our next thing." The woman said, glancing at her papers. "We don't know about the next cycle of promotions."

"What do you mean?" Yeri asked. "Are you cancelling promotions because of all of this?"

The woman nodded. "You barely debuted, and with the most recent scandal, we thought that it would be a good opportunity to have Vixx promote instead of you."

"I don't believe this." Yeri's mouth hung down. "You are just ripping us away from our promotions because of this stupid scandal?"

"It's the best thing for the group." The first man said. "I don't approve of you being kicked out of the group but it's best to let things calm down for a while."

"Who's going to tell my members?" Yeri asked, hoping that she wasn't the answer to the problem.


Trainer Shin was standing in front of all of the girls with a disappointed look on his face. Yeri was using as him as a human shield so that she didn't have to watch their disappointed faces as he told them the bad news.

"I'm sorry to report to you that your promotions will be cancelled." Trainer Shin stared at the ground.

"Why?" Yoojung asked. "We barely started learning the dance and we have already learned all of the music."

"I know that you have all worked really hard on this, but the company thinks that it's best to leave the scandal alone. He thinks that you coming back to the music scene will add more fuel to the fire." Trainer Shin told them.

"This is insane." Koeun ran a hand through her hair. "Why do we have to stop preparing? It's not like we have anything better to do anyways."

"The company thought that it would be best to just take this time to rest." Trainer Shin pointed out.

"I'm not about to be kept in the dungeon." Sua said angrily. "I already went through that once and I'm not about to do it again."

"Please, just do what the company says, for at least a few weeks." Trainer Shin said. "We an even take this opportunity to improve our skills."

"There's no reason for this." Mina said. "The company is just scared that we will ruin them even more."

"Maybe so, but you have to do what they say. Like it or not, they own you until your contracts expire." Trainer Shin said, finally shutting down the conversation.

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