!Welcome Note!

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Hi,this is Hannah,the author of this fanfic that you are going to be reading.

This story is going to be quite cliche,I hate cliche stories but I am writing one right now.HA!

This story may tug on your heart strings or make you cringe,well,it depends on what kind of fanfic you are expecting to read here.No hate please if you don't like the plot or anything about it,cause I'm not forcing you to read,you just randomly wanted to press the 'read' button of this story.

This fanfic was transferred from my Instagram account @/Baekyeon_fanfics.The contents are the same,the only difference is that it is more improved because I modified it.

First thing first,please don't comment things like,"Pls update!!!","Ud pls..." or any words that pressures me to update faster.It still takes time to edit and modify the chapters although the contents are the same as the one I wrote in Instagram.I love to read comments...a lot...so I hope that I read comments like how you feel about that particular chapter or your thoughts about that chapter.

That's all I am going to say,hope you will enjoy reading this fanfic:)

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