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Taeyeon's POV

"I didn't know that you can cook."I said as I stared at the ceiling."You didn't know that I am this perfect?"Baekhyun said cockily as if I am feeding his ego.

"I didn't say that,don't twist my words."I said as I tried to looked to my upper right where the kitchen is."It's okay if you don't want to admit it."he said in a sing-song voice.I glared up at him as he placed a bowl of porridge in front of me.

I got up from the couch and took a tiny sip from the porridge.It wasn't bad,just average."Satisfied?"he asked,smirking at me.I just nodded at him and took another sip.

"So,you are still going to that party tonight?"I asked,taking another sip.He switched on the tv and turned to look at me with a smug expression on his face."Why are you asking?You don't want me to go?"

"N-No.I am not going,just saying."I said,clearing my throat."Cause as you can see,I am sick."I added.

"I might be going.Need to get laid tonight."he said.I widened my eyes when he said that.Of course,why am I so surprised anyway?He is a player,he probably slept with half of the girls in school by now.

"I am just joking."he said.I glanced at him,not believing him one bit.Whatever you say...

"But,I might not be going,cause I need to take care of a certain weakling tonight."he said,turning his attention back to the tv.A certain weakling?Who?

"When is your step dad going to be back?"he asked.

"Half an hour.So you may leave now."I said.Although I don't want him to leave,but if my step-dad saw him here,it might get worse.

"Won't your step dad be suspicious if you are at home?You are usually at work at this time."he said.And that's when it hit me,I totally forgot about that.My original plan was to leave the house half an hour ago before he comes back.

"Then,leave now!I am going to clean up the kitchen."I said as I got up and switched off the television.I pushed his back towards the door."Thanks for coming,bye."I said as I opened the door for him.But he stopped in his tracks and turned back into the house.

"I will help you."he said as he closed the door.

"No,it's better to be caught alone than to be caught alone with you."I said and tried to push him out of the house but he wouldn't budge.

"Am I embarrasing you or something?"he asked."No,I thought you understand."I said,looking at him.I told him the story about my step dad not treating me well right?

"I understand.But I don't want to leave you alone."he said and rushed to the kitchen.Pots and bowls banging in the kitchen was heard as he started to wash them.I just stood there and grabbed my unfinished bowl of porridge and gulped it all down as it is warm already.

The keys dangling in front of the door jolt me awake from my trance.Oh no!That monster is at the door already.Where should I go?

"Taeyeon."a voice hissed and I looked towards the stairs.He gestured me to run upstairs with him.I nodded and dashed up the stairs.The both of us ran into my room and shut the door.

I leaned against the door as Baekhyun sat on my bed.I smiled in relief when my step dad didn't see any of us."You can leave now,I need to rest."I whispered,hoping that my step dad won't suddenly barge in later when I am taking a nap.I felt better after the medicine and porridge,but I still felt a little dizzy and tired.

"No,you come with me."he said,one of his legs crouched on the window."What?"I whispered.

"What if he sees you here?"he said.I heard footsteps marching up to the stairs.I nodded and followed him.

He jumped into his room through my window and his,making it look easy.I squatted on the frame of my window and looked down.It isn't high from here,but if I fall,I am sure that I will break a few bones.I looked up at Baekhyun who is gesturing me to come over.I shook my head at him as I bit my bottom lip nervously.

"Come on,grab my hand."he said,reaching out his arm towards me.I looked at his hand and back at him.I am scared.

"Don't worry,trust me."he assured me.I pursed my lips and nodded.I grabbed his hand and started to reach my leg out towards his window.

"Okay,give me your other hand."he said and I obeyed by giving him my other hand."Let go of your window and step side by side with your right leg slowly."he said.

"Don't look down."he said when I was about to look down."Just look at me."he said.

I stared at him as I felt myself being pulled towards his window.Without realizing what I was doing as I was too distracted by his dark brown mesmerizing orbs,my feet landed safely onto the ground of his room.

I let out a sigh of relief and looked around his room.He pulled the blanket of his bed up and looked at me."You can take a nap here."

"What?"I straightened myself up from my crouching position.

"You are still sick."he said."Don't be shy,we are friends anyway."he added and smiled.

Friends?Did he just said friends?So we are friends?

Too happy to think about anything,I climbed into his bed and he covered me with the thick warm blanket.When the blanket covered my body,it suddenly felt very warm.The faint scent of him can even be smelt from the blanket.

"I will study as you wish."he said and walked towards his study desk.I smiled although he couldn't see me.Slowly,I closed my eyes at the sight of his back facing me.


A/N: Hope you all liked this,remember to vote!

Aww...Baekhyun and Taeyeon are starting to warm up with each other,having a normal conversation and Baekhyun helping Taeyeon out.Just lovely.

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