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Taeyeon's POV

"Kamsahamida!I had fun today."I thanked them as I bowed at them as a polite gesture.

"We had fun too at the ice rink!Tell Baekhyun all about your journey with us,he would love to hear it!"Chanyeol said,somehow,I could sense sarcasm in his voice when he said the last part about Baekhyun interested to hear about what we did at the ice rink.

I have never thought of these three as innocent boys.I thought they will bully me or something,because their image in school gives off the bad boy vibe.But after having fun with them,I realized that they are just innocent boys who wants to play.

After the car drove away,I quietly unlocked the door and stepped in.Luckily no one is in the living room.Weird,I usually sees my stepdad sleeping on the couch.I guess I am going to be home alone tonight,since my mum always work until around midnight.

I went into my room and took a quick bath.I walked towards the window and glanced at Baekhyun's window.

Is he around?Is he in his room?Is he asleep already?

Why am I mentally asking myself these questions?I smiled when I saw him pulling the curtain away.He looked at me,he seemed hesitated to tell or ask me something.He cleared his throat before asking,"So,er....what did you do with the boys today?"he looked nervous.That's a first.

"Well,we went skating on the ice rink.I didn't know how to skate,so the three taught me how."I replied.Chanyeol was right,he seems interested in what we did together.

"Chanyeol helped me to train my balance and Yixing taught me a few moves to do during skating.Kyungsoo gave me a lecture about the dangers of skating too fast."I continued.

A frown suddenly appeared evidently on his face."Remember to tutor me tomorrow."he said in monotone.

"Since tomorrow is a Saturday,how about....I will come around 8 a.m?"I suggested.He stared at me for a moment before nodding his head,"Sure."he turned back and closed the curtains.He didn't even say goodnight.Does he really has a split personality?

"Good night."I mumbled although he probably can't hear me already.


I pressed the doorbell and I was greeted by Mrs Byun immediately."Annyeong Taeyeon!Are you here to tutor my son?"Mrs Byun asked and looked at the books I was hugging against my chest.

"Yeah."I replied.

"Come in,come in!"she chirped and opened the door wider to let me in.Mrs Byun is always so friendly,so I am sure that Baekhyun didn't get his genes from his mother.

So far,his mother is the only family member I see in this house.I remembered his mother saying that she was going to prepare a dinner for five including me when I came over last time.So either the fourth person is a relative or a sibling of Baekhyun.

"Who is here early in the morning?"a voice asked.I looked towards the stairs and saw a guy walking down the stairs.

"Junsang-a,this is Baekhyun's friend,Kim Taeyeon.Taeyeon-a,this is Junsang,Baekhyun's older brother."Mrs Byun introduced.I nodded my head towards him politely.He doesn't look like Baekhyun at all.And I thought siblings usually share the same middle name,for example,Byun Baekhyun and Byun Baek...something.

Junsang flashed me a smile and said,"Annyeong~".He seems so friendly,unlike his little brother.

"Baekhyun isn't awake yet-"Junsang ceased Mrs Byun's words by saying,"How about you go and check if Baekhyun has already woken up?Maybe he is just sitting in his room doing nothing."

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