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Taeyeon's POV

It is Monday and it is like any other school day. It is Physical Education now, which is PE for short. Our PE teacher let us play by ourselves in the gymnasium. All of the boys were playing basketball in the middle of the gymnasium. Since most of the girls are usually not that athelic, we sat at the side on the bench and watched the boys play.

I silently cheered for Baekhyun, since all of the girls in our class are already cheering for him really loudly. Even Tiffany and Jessica were screaming and cheering loudly for Baekhyun. The other boys in the court must have felt like losers. I hope Baekhyun won't get hated by the other boys although he always has the spotlight on him anyway.

Our PE teacher suddenly blew the whistle, grabbing our attention.

"Listen everyone, another class is going to join you guys. So please share the court."he said.

"Ne...seongsaengnim!"we said simultaneously.

It appears to be the class beside us, which means Chanyeol, Jongdae and Jiyong will be joining us for PE.

"Hey Taeyeon."Jongdae waved at me as Chanyeol followed closely behind him. These boys are always sticking together. Even when the twelve of them are together, it never seems like they are spending time in pairs but in groups. They really have a strong brotherly bond with each and every one of the boys in the group which I will never understand.

"Wow, Baekhyun is good..."Chanyeol said, his eyes following Baekhyun as he ran across the court with the ball under his hands and the others trying to get the ball from him.

"And....he scores again!"Jongdae said and clapped. His loud alarming voice gained the attention of the girls sitting in front of us. They looked back at us and started to whisper with one another about why these two boys are sitting with us.

"Ugh...girls like that makes me puke."Jessica rolled her eyes and muttered after hearing what the girls in front of us are talking about.

"Calm down Sica, they are just jealous."Tiffany said, rubbing Jessica's back repeatedly.

"Jealous of what?"Chanyeol asked, he seems clueless.

"Oh look, it seems like that group of boys are challenging the boys in our class."I said, pointing at the court, where I can see Jiyong and a few boys talking to Baekhyun and the boys in our class.

"Oh oh, I think they are going to compete in basketball."Jongdae said.

"This is not gonna be good."I heard Chanyeol whispered.

The court became silent as the ball bounced from a player to another. Everyone watched the court silently. Tension could be felt as Jiyong obviously had a grudge against Baekhyun. It felt like Jiyong and Baekhyun are the only ones playing basketball and the others are trying to follow them.

Baekhyun was so close to the opposite to throw the basketball into the opponent's net until Jiyong blocked him and snatched the ball from him again. This repeated like a few times and some of the boys got tired from chasing the ball as none of them wanted to pass the ball to their team players.

I stood up and walked down the bench.

"Taeyeon-a, where are you going?"Tiffany asked.

"I am getting tired watching this, gonna change back into my uniform."I said.

"I will follow you."Jessica said.

I was about to exit the gymnasium until I heard girls screaming behind me. I looked behind and saw Baekhyun on top of Jiyong. They were fighting.

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