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Taeyeon's POV

"How dare you come back here after what you did to her?Get out!"

"What?I didn't push her. She fell down herself."

"I asked her before she passed out, you were the one who pushed her.Who else would do something like that?Huh?Get out of my sight!"

I can hear people arguing in front of me. I am awake mentally, but I can't move my body nor open my eyes. It is so hard to wake up as if a force is on top of me forcing me to stay dead. I tried to feel my hands, but I can't seem to clench them.

Am I dead?Why can't I move?Why can't I open my eyes? I know that I am awake.

"Students,calm down. The doctor just said she had a concussion and might wake up tomorrow."I heard someone said,who is probably a teacher.

"Ms, he is the one who pushed her down the tower."

"You don't have any prove."

"Wait till she wakes up. And we will soon know who was the one who pushed Taeyeon down."

"Ooh, never knew that you care about her that much. Because you treat her like sh*t."

"You don't know anything. Why are you still in this room?Get out!"

"Boys,boys, you two leave this room. Taeyeon needs to rest under a quiet environment."I heard the teacher saying.

After a moment, everyone left the room. I could sense them leaving the room one by one.

Ugh...I remember how I got hurt. I was pushed out of the window.

But the thing is, Jiyong wasn't there.


"Hey,I will go and find the other stops around here.So you take a rest here until I come to get you."Jiyong said to me. I nodded at him and he turned back to the stairs. I could hear his footsteps getting softer and softer as he marched down.

I stared out of the window although it is dangerous. The window was wide and didn't had any rails around it. I took a step back just in case I lost my balance and tumble down. I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air.

I heard footsteps behind me. He is quick.

"Wow,you are fast."I said,my eyes not leaving the beautiful scenery before me.

I was about to turn back until I felt a sudden force pushing me out of the window. I screamed as my hands tried to grab on something, but it was too late. I was already falling to my death.

End of Flashback

A lone tear fell down my cheek.

The thought of someone hates me, to the extent of wanting me to die hurts.

Who pushed me? I have been wanting to ignore this thought, but could it be him? Did he push me out of the window, knowing that I will die from it? I know that we aren't in good terms now, but that doesn't make him hate me to death, right?

Or was it because of Baekhyun? Baekhyun mentioned a few times before that Jiyong is Lee Junho's friend. Could it be Junho wanted to get rid of me to make Baekhyun suffer?

I heard the door opened and someone walked in. It was very quiet,I could hear the person's faint breathing and soft footsteps.

"Hmm...I thought you couldn't survive that fall."that person said.

I could hear that person standing beside my bed.

Who is she?

"You shoud die Kim Taeyeon, it will make everyone's lives better. No one will even notice if you die."she said.

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