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Taeyeon's POV

"Taeyeon-a,come out.It's 12 noon now."my mum knocked on my door for the nth time.I shook my head and buried deeper into my pillow.

"Stop hiding in your room,the neighbours called to ask if you are okay."she said.The Byun family?I shot up from my bed and ran towards the door.

"Is he awake?Is he okay?Is he still in the hospital?!"I bombarded my mum loads of questions as soon as I opened the door.She stared at me for a moment before saying,"No."

"Aish..."I muttered and shut the door,but she stopped it from closing with her foot."Taeyeon-a,I took leave today to take care of you and you are not appreciating it."she said.

"Then you should have care for me before and not leaving me under that monster's care."I said,glaring up at her.

"Come on,let's talk."

"No."I snapped."You are not a mother to me.You are no different compare to that monster."I snapped as I tried to close the door.

She heaved a sigh and said,"Here,your lunch."

She was holding a bowl of porridge.

I shut the door in her face.I know I am being a crazy and unreasonable bitch to my mother right now.But what she did was ten times worse.I was being abused by that monster for years and she never steps in to help,not even her own daughter.

"Come and eat,don't starve yourself."I heard her saying outside my room.I rolled my eyes and dived back into my bed.


I lived like a ghost the next day,Not leaving my room and hibernating in it.I can't wait to go to school knowing everyone has watched the news...Note the sarcasm.

The next day when I went to school,I felt all eyes on me,not in a good way.I could hear them whispering and talking about me as I walked through the hallway.I guess now everyone here knows that I exist.

"What?That bitch?Why would Baekhyun oppa help her?Seriously."

"She must have acted out all of the abuse by herself,maybe her stepdad and Baekhyun got caught in her trap."

"Look at that bandage on her knee,it isn't broken at all.Maybe the beating wasn't serious enough."

"Pathetic.She should just kill herself,Baekhyun oppa almost died because of her."

"What the hell?She even has the guts to show up in school?"

"I bet her friends left her because they found out the truth about her."

"Ew,who would even want to be neighbours with her."

"She probably got molested by her stepdad,who knows."

I bit my bottom lip and quicken my steps towards class.When I slid open the door of my class,the whole student body turned their attention towards me,not even trying to not make it obvious that they are shamelessly staring at me.

Jessica and Tiffany who were talking glanced at me and continued their conversation.I gulped and slowly walked towards my seat.I stopped in front of my seat,feeling the cold shoulder my best friends gave me.

I glanced at the empty seat behind me and sat at Baekhyun's seat.Since he is going to be absent today,I might as well sit here.

"Ew,she is polluting Baekhyun oppa's seat right now.Look."I heard someone whisper.I guess the whole school watched the news.Why can't those reporters keep away?Is it entertaining to know someone's hardship and broadcast it to the whole country?

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