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Baekhyun's POV

"Kyungsoo-a!!!"Chanyeol yelled.Kyungsoo looked up from his shoes as soon as he heard his name.His voice was so loud,people around us turned to look at us.

"Baekkie wants to talk to you!!"he shouted.I nudged Chanyeol in the thigh as hard as I could.

"What was that for!?"Chanyeol hissed as he hugged his leg.

"Stop shouting.We don't need to let the whole world know that we want to talk to Kyungsoo."I muttered and glared at the giant.

"What's up?"Kyungsoo asked as soon as he stopped in front of us.

"What were you thinking when you wanted me to give Taeyeon that gift?"I asked.

"Did it went well?Did she love it?"Kyungsoo asked,flashing his hear-shaped smile.

"She and I are just friends.What the f*ck were you thinking?"I hit the back of his head.

"Hey,don't need to get violent with me.I did you a favor.She loved it didn't she?See,I know girls better than you."Kyungsoo said as he massaged the back of his head.

I rolled my eyes at him because he was right.Based on the reaction I got,she loved it.

"Ooh,you are thinking about her right?You are smiling~"Chanyeol grinned as he pointed at me.

"Why would I think about her?I am not like you!"I snapped and turned away.I could hear the faint teasing and laughter from the two as I walked further and further away from them.

I went into class and saw Taeyeon talking and laughing at something funny her friends just said.

"Morning."Taeyeon greeted me as soon as she saw me."Morning."I replied and smiled in return.I sat down behind her and started to get out random books in my bag to find something to do,cause I will look like a loser sitting alone at the back here doing nothing.

"Byun."I heard someone calling my name,making me groan in reply.

"I heard you got an A for that quiz."he continued.I ignored him and continued to do my work.

"Look at me when I am talking to you."he said.I stood up from my seat and turned to him."What is your problem?"I asked.

"Just wanted to congratulate you.Your tutor taught you well."he said as he glanced at Taeyeon who looked back at us to see what is going on.

"I can see that yours did the opposite."I said and smirked."You didn't pass the quiz,did you?"I asked.

"Who cares if I didn't pass,it's not like I am going to work in the future."he said cockily. One of the reasons he is such a bastard is because he came from a rich family. He doesn't need to study,he has money.

"Then why are you in front of me?Feeling inferior of me?"I asked.

"No.Not at all.Just giving you a warning. Don't cross the line with anything,or else..."he glanced at Taeyeon and then back to me.

"You know what."he said and turned back and walked back to his seat.

"What the actual f*ck?Who the hell is he to threaten me?"I mumbled.I looked in front and saw Taeyeon still talking to her friends.I didn't realize that I was staring at her until the teacher came in.

"Class!I have an announcement to make!"she said.I lied lazily on the desk,ignoring her as usual.

"Before your final exam,you all are going to a class trip held by the class beside us.To relieve stress and all."she said.The class beside us?That is Chanyeol and Chen's class.

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