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Taeyeon's POV

It been days since I was in Baekhyun's house.When I reached home that day,I realized that I left my books on Baekhyun's desk.Baekhyun who has been sitting behind me all these days in class didn't even bother to return my books to me.I started to worried that he burned my books since he doesn't want to study.He didn't bother to apologize to me about our small argument in his room,and I didn't bother to talk him into letting me to tutor him anymore.

I glanced at the other side of the room and stared at Park Juhyun who is teaching Lee Junho something,probably Math since he is pressing the calculator.I heaved a sigh.If only my student is that obedient.Why does Lee Junho have the heart to study and Byun Baekhyun doesn't?

They are both similar in breaking the rules.Both of them are lazy troublemakers?Is it because of Juhyun's charm?She got the brains and looks,of course anyone would want her to teach them.Juhyun suddenly turned and looked at me as if she noticed that someone was staring at her.She flashed me a 'I am winning' smirk before turning back to Junho.

Fine,I give up!I will not teach Byun Baekhyun anything and just leave him alone.A small part of me kind of pitied him though.What will he do in his future?Had he never thought about how to find a job without a presentable certificate?I bit my lip.Should I act stubborn again to convince him to let me teach him?Argh...who cares...it's his life.

"Kim Taeyeon,why are you spacing out again?"Jessica's voice broke into my thoughts.

"Just frustrated that some boy isn't letting me to fulfill my job as a tutor."I purposely raised my voice to let a certain someone who is sitting behind me to hear.

"I think Park Juhyun is doing well with her student.I didn't know that Lee Junho the bad boy will sit there obediently and study."Jessica said as she glanced towards the two who are sitting at the other side of the room.

"Yeah.If only my student is like him."I said as I stretched my arms in front of me,causing my sleeves to go backwards.I quickly pulled my sleeves back down when the scar on my wrist caught my eyes.But it was too late,Jessica grabbed my wrist and examined it like it is some science experiment.

"Is this a scar I see?"she asked as she stared at the scar.I pulled back my hand and rubbed on it protectively."No,I was playing with the new set of pens I bought that day and decided to draw on my wrist to test the quality of the ink."I lied.

None of my friends know the condition I am in,the way I am treated at home and the hardships I have to face at home.Whenever they say that they want to come to my house,I always make up an excuse to prevent them from visiting.No one wants to have parents like mine,let alone meeting them.

My stepdad also forbids me to have friends over,my mum doesn't even care about my life.

"But that was clearly a scar...Did you cut yourself?"Jessica's face looked worried."No,why would I do that to myself?"I chuckled to hide the nervousness in me.That was a stupid mistake I did last year,after I was abused by my stepdad,my mum ignored my pain and chose to stand by his side,I was so devastated that I cut myself in the toilet to distract myself from the pain I was feeling in my heart.

Jessica didn't seem to believe me and was planning to ask further until a voice interrupted us.

"Kim Taeyeon-ssi."a voice said behind me.I turned towards Baekhyun who is standing beside my seat.I caught his eyes staring at my covered wrist before shifting his gaze to my eyes.

He placed the books I left at his room that day in front of me.He was about to walk away until I called after him.

"Are you sure you don't want me to tutor you?"I asked.I am not giving up on him.He cocked an eyebrow at me and scoffed."Isn't that day at my house clear enough?I don't need your help."he replied and went back to his seat.I heaved a sigh and looked down at my books.I sneaked a look at Jessica,luckily she forgot the topic about my scar and was doodling on her notebook.

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