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Taeyeon's POV

Well,a lot of things have happened after Baekhyun fainted.I ran straight to the neighbours and inform them that Baekhyun was hurt.His mum called the ambulance and if you ask me,it was a really big incident.Reporters came after the police came.

I wasn't allowed to follow Baekhyun to the hospital,so I stayed there as I answered the police.

"So miss,how did he end up in your house?"the police officer who has a name tag called Leeteuk asked.

"He must have heard noises,and that may be why he came."I replied.

"I see..."he mumbled as he jotted down what I just told him.

"So do you two know each other?"another police officer named Donghae asked.

"Yes,we are...friends."

"Friends or more than friends?I just heard from his mother that he came because he was worried,he didn't come because he heard something.He must have known the things going on with your stepdad."he said,smirking mischeviously.

"Donghae,this is not the time to mess around."Leeteuk nudged him and gave his partner a stern look.

"What?I am not messing around.Just asking about the victim's relationship will help the case."

Soon,the two police officers started bickering with each other.What the fudge?

"Is it okay if I leave now?"I asked them,interrupting their small couple argument.Dumb and dumber looked at me for a moment and nodded.

I heaved a sigh and looked back at my house.The police has surrounded the house,investigating traces of my stepdad.I hoped that they catch him and bring him to justice.I guess my mum is still working in the hospital,she might not know what is currently happening.She never cares.

It is very noisy here in this usually quiet neighbourhood.Baekhyun's family have already went to the hospital with the ambulance and I am here dealing with the mess.I hope Mrs Byun won't be mad at me for causing her son to get hurt because of me.If Baekhyun hadn't came to my rescue,I may be the one in the hospital right now.

The way he got hurt and was still trying to make sure that I am okay hurts me.I feel very sorry for him.I shouldn't have let anyone get hurt because of me.Everyone should avoid me because of how dangerous of a person I am.

No one deserves to be with me.I don't deserve to be anyone's friend.

Thinking about that,a tear managed to slip out from my eye and flow down my cheek.Why is life so unfair?What did I do wrong to endure this pain?

Byun Baekhyun,why did you have to jump in?You wouldn't have gotten hurt if it wasn't for me.You are making me feel bad.I hope that you will be fine.

I guess we are not meant to be friends...

*Ring~ *Ring~

I looked down at my phone.I stared at the unknown caller ID for a second before picking up.


"Taeyeon?Where are you?"I immediately recognized that deep voice,it was Park Chanyeol.

"At home."I replied although I am standing outside my house.

"Why is it so noisy there?You at the party too?Can't see you though."

"No.I didn't go to the party."

Wait,why did he ask me this?Are all of Baekhyun's friends in the party right now?Don't they know that their friend is in the hospital right now?Oh right,no one informed them.

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