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Baekhyun's POV

By the time I reached home, I soon realized something is wrong.

Taeyeon isn't here.

I decided to call Kris and Junmyeon to get Taeyeon's friends' numbers to ask if Taeyeon is with them. Being an overprotective boyfriend ain't my style, but the more I think about it, the more I felt like something happened to her. After confirming with her friends that she isn't with them, I started to become even worried.

What could have possibly happen to her? Was she kidnapped?

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to find out what happened to her.

Could it be her stepfather who ran away? The police probably haven't find him yet. Police these days are so useless.

My phone rang and as soon as I saw the caller id, I picked the call up.

"Taeyeon, you finally called. Where are you?"

A deep evil chuckle answered my question. I frowned and clenched my jaw and my fingers balling into a fist. "You."

"Come alone. Your girlfriend's life is in my hands now. I will send the location to you, you better come alone. The second you tell anyone about this, I will slice her throat."he hung up immediately. I sighed and stared at my phone until a message popped up, showing me the address.

This is all my fault. Why am I so stupid?


Taeyeon's POV

I screamed in agony when I felt something sharp cutting through my flesh. I opened my eyes and looked at my arm to see a fresh bloody cut on my arm.

"Finally you are awake."the person I thought I will never see again grinned at me. I glared at him, trying to not let the pain on my arm get to me. I tried to endure the pain.

He gripped my chin and forced me to look at him.

"You see how skinny I am? This is all because of you and that boy of yours. You ruined my life!"he spat at her. Taeyeon winced, feeling disgusted as she felt a few beads of saliva on her cheek. If her life wasn't threaten right now, she would just wipe away the saliva and spit on his face.

"What do you want? I don't have any food for you."I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"I want revenge and the taste of blood."

"Then why aren't you killing me now?"Taeyeon looked at her wound and asked, pretending not to be bothered by the blood that is trickling down to her fingers and hitting against the cement. She hoped that there won't be any torture before she dies.

"I am still waiting for someone to come here."he replied, standing up and looking at the entrance, just in time, someone came in. That b*tch. I somehow knew that she is behind this. I scowled at her when I saw her smiling brightly towards me.

"Oh hey Kim Taeyeon."she waved at me. If my arm wasn't bleeding to death right now, I would throw a punch into her jaw. What is she waiting for? She is obviously here to kill me.

"Don't worry, I will do the killing. You can stand back now."she turned to my mother's ex-husband. I still don't understand what my mother sees in him. He is practically jobless as he comes home every hour. I am not even sure what his job is.

"Okay then. Hmm...I just bought a new knife and I left it in that room. You can go and get it."he said. Bae Minhui nodded and walked into the small room near me. I rolled my eyes. They wasted their money to buy a new knife for me? How welcoming...

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