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Baekhyun's POV

"What?You are going to school straighaway after you just got discharged from the hospital?"my mum asked as I packed my bag.

"Yeah,I thought you love it when I go to school."I said nonchalantly as I zipped up my bag.

"This is a different situation,we are now still in the hospital and the doctor said that you have to take a rest after you discharged."

"I have a quiz today."I said.

"Since when do you care about your results?You are late anyway."

"Since...just now?"I lied.The only reason I am going to go and take that math quiz is to not break my promise with Taeyeon.Even when I was in a coma,I still remember the promise she and I made.Yes,I am a man who keeps promises.


Taeyeon's POV

I didn't expect Baekhyun to even show up to school.He...kept his promise.He sat down beside me since I took his seat.

"Mr Byun,I am surprised to see you here.Came for the quiz?"the teacher asked as she placed the quiz on his table."No shit."Baekhyun muttered.

After a few minutes,I looked up from my paper as I put down my pen.I am done.I looked around me and found some people resting their heads on the tables,giving up on the quiz.I sneaked a glance at Baekhyun and he was casually spinning his pen with a bored look on his face.

He finished that early.Does that mean that the test is too hard for him so he gave up without trying?Or is it too easy for him so he finished without having any obstacles.

I am kind of worried now.What if he got zero for this quiz?I hope not.I shouldn't have these negative thoughts about him.I am his tutor,I should believe in him.

After the teacher collected the papers back,I turned to Baekhyun."How did you do in the quiz?"

"Hmm..."he hummed as he stared at me.I cocked an eyebrow at him confusedly.

"Is that good or bad?"I asked again.

"Not sure."he replied nonchalantly.

"Did you study?"I asked.

"I think that is not important right now."he said as he continued to stare at me.What is with all of the staring?Is there something on my face?He usually doesn't even look at me for more than two seconds and now he is staring at me.

"What else is more important than that?"I asked.

"Junhee told me that you came to visit me yesterday."he said.I sighed when I remembered what happened in the hospital yesterday.

"Oh,yeah."I said,pretending to not mind at all.

"Why did you leave so early?"he asked.

I blinked at him.That is the important question he was talking about?What's so important about that?

"I forgot to closed the stove that's why."I said as I stood up from my seat.It would be awkward if I told him that I felt uncomfortable that I found out the fact that he actually has a girlfriend.He is going to tutor-zoned me if he thought that I have a thing for him.Which will never happen.

"I suddenly remembered,I forgot to close the stove when I left for school this morning."I lied as I tried to leave.Unfortunately,he grabbed ahold of my wrist before I could take a step forward.I looked down at his hand and back at him.


"You seem so nervous?What is bothering you?"he chuckled.Oh my god,his laughter.His rare laughter that can only be heard by a few people in this whole Universe.

"Nothing."I snapped.

"That isn't nothing.You are bothered by the fact that Junhee is my girlfriend?"he asked,smirking at me.I scowled at him as I pulled my wrist away from his grasp,holding onto it protectively.If this continues,he might get the wrong idea that I am interested in him or something.

"I wish you two the best.Be happy with Junhee."I said and turned my back on him,walking out of the classroom.I mentally face-palmed myself.Did I just said that?Now I just sound like a jealous ex-girlfriend!Ugh...why can't I think properly when I am in front of him?

"Hey Tae."

"Hey Jiyong-ssi."I greeted back.Jiyong fell into the same walking pace as me as I walked towards the school garden.

"Erm...why are you following me?"I slowed down and asked him.

"Everyone need some company around."he said.

"No thanks,I prefer to be alone."I said.

"Come on,it is not like you own the school garden."

"True.Fine,just don't bug me."I said as I sat down at my usual bench.

"Aren't you hungry though?"I asked him as he sat down beside me.He shook his head and grinned.

"What?"I narrowed my eyes at him.Why is grinning like an idiot as he stares at me?

"You are very pretty Taeyeon."he said.I choked on my own saliva as soon as he said that.

"Not used to getting compliments?"he asked as I calmed down.I waved my hand in front of me as I cleared my throat.

"That is just so sudden."I said.

"Hey,give me a bit of credit,will you?It is my first time complimenting a girl other than my mother."he said.

"Fine,thanks..."I chuckled.

"Are you blushing?"he asked.My hands reached up to touch my cheeks because I didn't feel anything.

"Just kidding."he blurted out a laugh,earning a glare from me."That is not funny."I muttered.

"Hey Taeyeon!"a deep voice yelled my name.I looked back and waved at Chanyeol.He grinned as he ran towards where we are sitting.

As he got a closer look at who I am with,he immediately frowned.I raised an eyebrow at his expression and looked at Jiyong who has the same expression on his face too.

"Hmm....Jiyong,this is Chanyeol.Chanyeol,this is Jiyong."I introduced the two to each other.

"Hey Taeng,did Baekhyun come to class today?"Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah."I replied,smiling widely when I remembered that Baekhyun came to take the math quiz just now.

"Okay,I will go and find him then.You wanna join?"he asked.

"Nah.I'm fine."I shook my head and said.


I let out a breath of relief as I stepped out of the bathroom.Taking a bath after a sweaty hot morning made me feel so fresh.It is in the middle of summer now,so it is so hot.

After changing into my clothes,I grabbed my phone and lied down on the bed.Usually at this hour,I would be in the bar working my butt off.But now that I got fired,it made my life more relaxing.

I scrolled through my feed and read the feedback my "fans" left on my posts.A satisfying smile found its way on my lips.It's been so long since I update a cover,but my listeners are still patiently waiting for me to post another cover.

Baekhyun's id suddenly appeared on the screen.I stared at it for a moment before picking up.

I didn't say a word,waiting for him to talk on the other line.

"Hey,wanna go out?"his voice sounds different compare to his usual voice.It is normal to me though.

Wait- did he just asked me out over the phone?!


A/N: Hey my dear beautiful and handsome readers!(I don't know if I have any male readers,but still,I have to promote gender equality).

I hoped that this update satisfies everyone,after a few updates,they finally met again.Omo,Baekhyun asking a girl out over a phone?

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