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Baekhyun's POV

"I can't believe we got into the top 5 teams to get here first."Minhui said beside me. I looked around us and there is still no sight of Taeyeon and that bastard. Almost all of the teams are here, but where are they?

"I think we all are still waiting for one team before announcing the winner and going back to the hotel. It is getting dark soon."Minhui said. I looked up at the sky and it was like she said, it looks like it is going to rain soon.

"Okay,everyone please be quiet. There is still one team left."the teacher shouted in front. I heaved a sigh and looked towards the entrance where we first went through. Where is she?

"Hey,anyone seen Taeyeon?"I heard her friend,Jessica asked.

"No."the others replied.

"Why isn't she back yet?"her other friend Tiffany asked Jessica.

"What if that boy did something to her?"

"Yeah, I remember seeing them climbing up the stairs. That was the last time I see them."Tiffany said.

I heaved a sigh as I hesitated whether to ask them about Taeyeon

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I heaved a sigh as I hesitated whether to ask them about Taeyeon. 

"Where did you last see her?"I asked. The both of them looked surprise as they gasped at me and looked at each other.

"Where?"I asked.

"Up the tower. It is weird because that is not even a stop, so there is no mission up there."Jessica said.

"Yeah, there is no reason for them to go up there. It is dangerous."Tiffany said.

I looked towards the entrance once again.

"Hey look,Kwon Jiyon is back!"I heard someone shout. "But where is his partner?"a few students whispered to each other.

I ran towards that bastard and grabbed him by the collar. He looked taken aback by my actions but managed to flash me a smirk.

"Where is Taeyeon?"

"Byun Baekhyun!Let him go right now!"one of the teachers scolded me as she tried to pull me away from him. I gave his collar one last pull before letting go of him.

"Taeyeon and I splitter up and I couldn't find her."he said to the teacher.

"Oh no,we can't lose a student. The principal will kill us."I heard the teacher saying to her fellow colleague. I rolled my eyes secretly. The teachers don't even care about Taeyeon's safety.

"What should we do? Should we call for a search?"the teachers discussed.

"I will go in and look for her."I raised my hand and volunteered. 

"Really?Can you do that?"the teacher looked at me with hope in her eyes. The teachers clearly are too lazy to go back in to search for one student. Since I am not even their favorite student, sending me in to look for another student makes things easier for them.

"Yeah. Or do you want to look for her?"

"You can go in by yourself. Or do you want anyone to accompany you?"she asked.

"I will. The missing student is our friend!"Tiffany and Jessica raised their hands.

"Okay, come out before 7:00."the teacher said.

"Wait for us!"Jongdae shouted as he pulled Chanyeol's hand and ran towards us. "Let's go and find her together."

I nodded and the five of us ran towards the entrance together.

"I think we should split up into pairs,that way we can find her faster."Jongdae said.

"I will go with Tiffany."Jessica said.

"I will go alone."I said before Chanyeol could say anything. "You two go together to the west side."I added.

"And you two go to the east."I turned to Jessica.


We all splited up and I ran towards the tall tower. If that bastard is lying, then he must have led Taeyeon somewhere dangerous which is the tall tower the teachers restricted everyone to go to.

I ran as fast as I could and managed to run up the cliff. I stopped to take a breath as I looked up at the tall tower. She must be in there. I ran up the stairs and up to the tower. I leaned my hand on the wall as soon as I reached the top.

"Taeyeon!?Are you here!?"I shouted as my eyes darted through the empty room. 

She isn't here. Where could she be?

I ran towards the window and looked out of it to get a better sight of the place. I looked towards the last time I see her, but she wasn't there. I looked down and saw a familiar figure hiding between the bushes which is directly at the bottom of the window.

"Taeyeon!?Is that you!?"I shouted,but the body had no response at all.

"Aish.."I muttered and rushed down the stairs, basically hoping off a few steps as I made my way down. I ran behind the tower where I saw Taeyeon just now.

I squatted down beside her and patted her back to wake her up.


Her head moved a little.

"Taeyeon-a."I gently grabbed her shoulders and made her look at me. Her eyes slowly opened and her lips quivered a little.

"Are you hurt?"I asked.

She raised up her hand slowly from her side and pointed at the window I looked out from just now.

"You fell from there?"I asked. She had a few bruises on her legs and arms.

"Wait."I said as I took out my phone and called the others.

"Guys,I found her.She is at the tower."I informed them.

"You are going to be okay."I whispered as I tucked the lose strands of her hair behind her ears to get a better look at her face. Luckily her face wasn't scratched or scarred. But how did she fall from that window.

"Tell me Taeng,"I paused as I tried to make sure that she could listen to what I am saying. Her eyes fluttered open and looked straight at me.

"How did you fall from up there?Did someone push you?"I asked.

She closed her eyes slowly. I held my breath,scared that I will miss her response.

She nodded.


A/N: What do you guys think happened?

Sorry for the late and short update. Just typed it and published on the same day.

A question here I wanna ask, can you guys comment on which ships are your favourite? Just doing a tiny survey.






Borene(Park BogumxIrene)


Other ships?Comment here if your ships are not listed! :)

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