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Taeyeon's POV

I heard the door downstairs opened.

"Mum's back."I muttered to myself as I scrolled down my phone.I heard my step dad saying something and then shouting after a few seconds at my mum."You should teach your daughter what is respect!"he shouted.I rolled my eyes even though no one can see me,"Respect your arse."I muttered and plugged in my ear phones.

I opened the Karaoke app inside my phone."I feel like singing...Closer."I said to myself as I pressed the record button.I love to sing cover for ballads,it distracts me from the environment I am living in.I record a cover of a meaningful ballad every time I feel sad or scared and posted it onto my feed in the Karaoke app.

I closed my eyes as I listened to the melody in my ears,the song soothe my mood,tuning me out from the noisy and broken reality.

After singing the song,I uploaded it onto my feeds."Feel so much better."I groaned as I stretched my left arm.I pressed the notification box and saw a lot of comments on my last recording.

[TY9!You are my inspiration!I love your voice so much!]

[Every time when I am sad,I will always listen to your covers on famous ballads because it brightens up my mood.Keep up the good work TY9!]

[You should debut as a solo singer,keep up the brilliant work TY9!^^]

A smile crept on my lips as I read through the encouraging comments,"You guys are my comfort too."I thought.Gaining a few recognition from people about my singing always lift up my mood.My mum never supports me...

I heaved a sigh and glanced at the window.It's evening now,I wonder if they have already moved in.I walked towards the window and stared at the room opposite mine,which also have the same window.I wonder whose room is that going to be.The room is dark,I guess the owner is sleeping.The lights were suddenly switched on,which startled me.

I was about to leave the window until the curtains of the opposite room moved and a body popped out from between.My eyes widened when I saw him.His eyes looked bored as he stared back at me intently.I swallowed the lump that came up my throat.I shouldn't be looking at him in the eyes,what if I become his enemy?I don't want my name to appear in his blacklist,what if he starts to bully me for staring at him without his permission?

"Is there a problem?"he asked groggily.He must have just woken up.I shook my head in reply."Then why are you staring at me like that?"he asked,his eyes piercing through my eyes."I-I...I was just wondering who is my new window neighbor."I said truthfully,hoping that he would not find it weird,but I was wrong.He scoffed and smirked at my answer.

"Do you know me?"he asked as he sat on the edge of his window,his legs dangling outside.How did he switch his position that fast?I don't have the courage to do that,what if I fall?

"Er....yes."I replied and pursed my lips.Who wouldn't know him?He is popular in school.He got the looks and the attitude.The typical arrogant bully who doesn't get good results.

Can I leave now?It will be rude to leave in a middle of a conversation.But I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now,especially when my mum and my stepdad is arguing downstairs.

"What is my name then?"he asked,crossing his arms in front of his chest."Byun Baekhyun."I replied.Please let the name be correct!I have only seen him and heard his name a few times from Fany and Sica,but I am still not sure how to pronouce it.

"Name?"he asked.I furrowed my eyebrows at his question.I thought it was Byun Baekhyun,guess I was wrong!Again!

"Baek..yeon."I guessed.I knew that his name is Byun Baek something,but Baekyeon sounds so weird for him also.It sounded more like a ship name.

"Your name is Baekyeon?"he asked as he chuckled.My face immediately turned red.Why did I have to embarrass myself?

"No,no,no!My name is Kim Taeyeon."I said quickly,waving my hands in front of me frantically.

"Kay."he replied nonchalantly and got back into his room.I furrowed my eyebrows as he shut the window.That's it?No conversation?Just exchanging names and making me embarrass myself?

The Next Day

"Omo,look at this!Isn't he handsome?"Jessica squealed as she showed me a photo of an idol she adores.I rolled my eyes at her and glanced at the picture."He looks okay looking."I said.

"He is not just okay looking!He is better than okay looking!He's demigod looking!"Jessica corrected me."But you asked me if he looks handsome or not,so I just gave you my opinion on his looks."I said bluntly.

"Fine then,you have no taste in men."Jessica crossed her arms in front of her chest in frustration,probably frustrated at me who doesn't know how to appreciate good looking people.

"Sica-a,have you heard about what happened just now?"Tiffany suddenly appeared beside me,surprising me when she put her arm on my shoulders.Since I am the shortest one among them,these two always use my shoulders as their arm rest."What happened?"Jessica asked.

"Byun Baekhyun did it again.He and Park Chanyeol beat up one of the members in Junho's gang."Tiffany said.Byun Baekhyun beat a guy up?Why do they like to fight so much?I hate violence...a lot.I once had a tiny panic attack when I witness a fight going on in front of school,memories of my stepdad kept going though my mind that it made me hard to breath.

"And now all of them were sent into the Principal's office."Tiffany continued."That's epic!"Jessica exclaimed.These two have always been fangirling over the EXO gang and I still don't get why they admire them.They are bullies and commit violence,what is there to like about?

"I wonder what will happen this time."Tiffany said as she put a finger under her chin thoughtfully.


A/N: I hope you all like this,vote for it if you enjoyed reading it!Thank you to those who has been reading all of my BaekYeon fanfics,I really smiled a lot even if there was one encouraging comment.Thanks a lot!

Byun Baekhyun the school's heartthrob and bully


Kim Taeyeon the school's invisible girl and a girl who experience a lot of harship at home

Finally met!


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