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Baekhyun's POV

"I have something for you."I said and took out the box Kyungsoo gave me just now. I am still wondering what is in this box.Is it a tiny badge or a card in it?The possibilities are unlimited.It could be anything small enough to fit into this tiny box.Unless...

"What is in it?"she asked,her eyes filled with curiosity.

Wait- could this be what I think it is?

"Thanks."she took the box from my hands.She started to open the box.It felt like the time froze along with my eyes on the box.

"You gave me...a necklace."she stared at the small pendant on the thin silver chain.Most importantly,there was a tiny golden heart hanging on the chain.This bastard....

"Wow....thanks."she looked up at me.Our eyes met.For some weird reason,I looked away immediately before I can look into her eyes for more than 3 seconds.

"This..."she held the small pendant that is a heart and glanced at me.

"It is nothing.This was on discount.So I bought it,but it doesn't mean anything."I said,acting stubborn.

"O...kay..."she looked disappointed.

"It means our promise to be friends."I blurted out.I have no idea where that came from.But it is better than saying that I like her more than a friend.Her face lit up instantly after I said that.

"How sweet of you."she said.I cleared my throat and straighten up in my seat.

"We are friends anyway.Don't need to thank me."I said.

"I didn't even say anything thankful yet."she retorted,shooting me a joking glance.

"Well,then you should be thankful."I couldn't help but let the smirk crept onto the corner of my lips.

"Can you help me to..."she said,refering to the necklace.I heaved a sigh and nodded.I got up from my seat and placed myself behind her.

"You don't need to stand up,I will do it."I said,cutting her off as she was about to stand.

"Give me."I said and she handed me the necklace.It is my first time helping a girl to buckle up her necklace.I mean,I don't even have anyone to let me help them do this.

"There,done."I said.She stood up and faced me,so we were face to face.Her surprise turn made me stumble back.

"Thank you so much,I love it."she said,smiling widely at me.Something I did then surprised me.I found myself smiling with her.I guess her smile is quite contagious that she can make me smile unintentionally.


Taeyeon's POV

Although Baekhyun didn't express himself much,I knew that his intentions towards me were sincere and I appreciate everything he is trying to do for me.We chatted a bit as we admired the empty night sky.A few planes flew across us,the buzzing sound sounded like they were trying to tell us to go home.It was very late and it was midnight.

I have never thought that staying out late from home with a guy can be safe.Anyone who thought about this know that it is dangerous.Although I have only known Baekhyun for almost one month and a half,I felt safe with him around.What sorcery is this?

We stayed there in silence.I could briefly hear slow breathing from the person who is beside me.I could also hear the sound of the night.The usual sounds you hear at night.A few cars passed by below the tower,so I could hear faint cars driving by.

Baekhyun suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"You told me before about the cut on your wrist.But,what was the real reason you wanted to end your life?"he asked quietly,his fingers tracing gently on the faint scar on my wrist.Usually when someone gets close to finding out my scar,I would quickly pull back to avoid them finding out.My mind was screaming to me to pull back my wrist and keep my secret hidden although he already know.But his touch on my wrist,has a magical feeling,it is making me crave more for his care.

"I felt...alone.It felt like no one was by my side to listen to my problems.Tiffany and Jessica didn't know about any of this,because I felt like a burden to them if I tell them my problems."I replied.

"Hey."he said softly and looked at me.I angled my head and looked at him."I am sorry that I wasn't by your side back then."he said.

"No,it is not your fault.You don't need to say sorry.You didn't know."I said.Now I am feeling guilty that he feels sorry for me.

"We were in the same school for three years,and I only know about your existence now.The hardships you faced,is just unbearable.You are a strong girl Kim Taeyeon,to live until now after experiencing all of those."he said.

"You didn't know."I said and looked up at him."We were complete strangers back then."I continued,still staring at him.

He was silent for a moment.I wonder what is he thinking right now,what is going through his mind at this moment?

"Let me ask you something."He said."Hmm?"I pursed my lips in curiosity.

"If you weren't my tutor and I am just a boy who does bad in his studies,will you still help me?"he asked,staring at me.

"If I didn't know you at all,I would just leave you there to die."I said honestly.His face dropped a little by what I just said.

"But when I started to get to know you more,I realized that you are not as bad as I thought you are.You have the potential to improve.I believed in you."I continued.That made the corner of his lips go up.

I heaved a sigh and said,"I can't believe that we are talking our heart out so comfortably.Like no secrets."

I glanced at Baekhyun when he didn't respond.

"What?"I asked,his face looked troubled.

"Do you remember the time when you asked me what happened?What happened that cause me to become this...bad?"he asked,looking slightly uncomfortable as he rubbed the back of his nape.

"If you are not ready to tell me,then don't-"I was cut off when he said,"I killed my brother."

I widened my eyes and a soft gasp left my lips.


A/N: I know I can be the most evil author here,but I have a crush on cliffhangers.Muahahahaha!But you guys know that I love everyone of you,right?^^

Did you guys see the renovation going on?I have changed all of the book covers for my BaekYeon fanfics,I edited them myself. ;)Hehe.

Did you see the big improvement of Baekhyun and Taeyeon's relationship?They are now having a heart to heart conversation.>o<

Baekhyun: Cheer up EXOLs.We won five awards last night,so don't be sad.We can't always have everything...how did MMA calculate the Album of the Year awrd though?Hmm...

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