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Taeyeon's POV

I looked away from my locker when I heard the door opened.Ms Lee,our home room teacher came in,but she wasn't alone,behind her,there were two boys."Class,stand up!"the class monitor said.I quickly ran back to my seat and waited for Ms Lee to continue.

"Class,sit down."Ms Lee said.I furrowed my eyebrows as I stared at the two boys beside Ms Lee."The Principal ordered me to bring these two trouble makers into our class,she said that these two needed a new environment."Ms Lee explained,she is clearly unamused.Not to brag,but my class is an elite class at my form,so only excellent students with excellent grades get to stay in this class.

The two boys were glaring at each other until Ms Lee broke the glare by saying"Introduce yourselves to the class"

"I am Lee Junho."the guy with a bruise under his eye said.Lee Junho is one of the most popular trouble makers in the school,he is the head of his gang which is also similar to EXO.His gang are enemies with EXO,they always fight over small things.I can never understand boys.

"Byun Baekhyun."the guy beside Junho introduced himself.Baekhyun looked around and our eyes met before he tore away the gaze and returned his attention back to the floor.The floor must be the most interesting to him at the moment.

"Byun Baekhyun you will be sitting at that corner,Lee Junho,you will be sitting at that corner."Ms Lee ordered,arranging the two far away from each other.Ironically,Baekhyun is going to sit behind me.

I stared down at my empty notebook as Baekhyun strutted towards his seat.When he passed by my seat,his hand brushed by my elbow briefly,our skin touching for a moment.I felt the small hairs of my arm stretching away from my skin.The insides of my stomach twisting slightly.Why am I feeling so nervous?

"B is sitting behind you."Jessica leaned closer to my ear and whispered.'B' is her nickname for Baekhyun,just in case when we talk about him,he will find out.But I think the nickname is obvious anough that we are referring to him.

"I know."I whispered back and glanced at Ms Lee,waiting for her to start the class.

"About your grades."Ms Lee said as she stared at the paper on her hands,probably our results.I bit my bottom lip,anticipating my results.I really studied very hard for this exam,I hope that I will at least get a few A+ in my results.

Ms Lee started reading out the names,one by one,the students went forward to collect their results.I bit my lip even harder when my name hasn't been called out yet after thirty or more students,which is almost the population of my class.

"Park Juhyun."Ms Lee said.Of course,why am I not surprise?Park Juhyun always get number 1 in everything she does,she's perfect,she's rich and pretty,she has everything."Juhyun,you are going to tutor Lee Junho.I will explain to you about that after the class."Ms Lee added.

I laughed mentally in my mind,being number 1 in everything doesn't mean that you can avoid tutoring a troublemaker.Ha!Good luck in teaching the school's troublemaker.

"Kim Taeyeon."I widened my eyes when I heard my name.Finally!I stood up from my seat and went and collect my results.My eyes sparkled as I stared at my results,it was better than I expected."You did good for this semester."Ms Lee praised as I was about to walk away,"Thank you Ms Lee."I thanked her as I smiled.What Ms Lee said after that made me frowned,a lot.

"So you are going to tutor Mr Byun who is sitting behind you from today onwards.Stay back after class,I will explain to you about the tutoring."

After Class

"If he got average grades for the final exam,you will get a certificate for volunteer tutoring and it will look good on your resume."Ms Lee explained."I will do my best to tutor Junho-ssi,Ms Lee."Juhyun assured Ms Lee.I secretly rolled my eyes until Ms Lee turned to look at expectantly."Yes I will teach Baekhyun-ssi everything I know about the final exam."I faked a smile.Great!I have to tutor the school's rude and arrogant bad boy.What a lucky day...

"Okay,you all can leave now."Ms a Lee dismissed the two of us.

When we left the classroom,Juhyun turned to me."I am going to make sure that Junho gets better grades than Baekhyun,besides,your student isn't interested in studying,so Junho will definitely beat Baekhyun in the finals."

How conceited can she be?I glanced at Baekhyun,but he didn't seem to mind about how his grades will be.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and said,"No,Baekhyun will beat Junho in the finals.Don't keep your hopes up."I said and turned on my heel leaving the area.

At Home

I put down my bag and walked towards the window.I hid behind the curtains and peeked out from them.Is he home yet?How am I going to tutor him when he himself doesn't even care about his studies.Speak of the devil,the loud sound of a motorcycle rang in my ears,grabbing my attention.

I stared at the gates as Baekhyun waved at his friends who I recognized as the boys in his gang,EXO.Baekhyun parked his motor in the driveway and walked coolly towards the door.My reputation depends on his grades now.If I don't do anything to improve his grades,Ms Lee will think that I am a very lousy teacher.My dream was to become a math teacher after all,so the certificate will be really good in my resume.I heaved a sigh as Baekhyun went into his house.That's it,don't be weak Kim Taeyeon,you can do it!

I opened the door of my room gently and tiptoed my way down the stairs,careful not to wake up my step dad.Unfortunately,he was lying on the couch and he glared up at me."Where are you planning to go?Sneaking out of the house?"he growled.

I stood there and fiddled with my fingers."I-I was planning to greet the new neighbors."I said as he stood up from the couch and made his way towards me.I took a step back and immediately regretted it."Are you scared that I will do anything to hurt you?"he asked as he towered over me.I shook my head quickly.

"Then why did you take a step back?"he leaned closer to me and I instinctively took a step back again.Oh sh*t!

He slapped me across the face and I fell onto the ground because of the huge impact.

"Don't you dare tell anyone about me abusing you!Cause I abuse you for a reason!Get it?"he growled.Yeah sure,for a reason...

I nodded my head and quickly stood up on my feet.He turned away and lied back onto the couch,I quickly picked up my books and ran to the door.My cheek still burned from his slap.Ouch.I rubbed my cheek as I walked towards the house next door.


A/N: Taeyeon is taking the first step to approach Baekhyun.Will is work?

Another chapter posted,hope you all will anticipate more to come.Thanks for reading!

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