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Listen to the song up there^

I wrote this while listening to this.It is better to listen to this song while reading. This song practically described Baekhyun.



Taeyeon's POV

"What?"I whispered inaudibly. I didn't expect that. He killed his brother?No,there is no way.I must have misheard him.Although I have only know him for a month and a half,I know that no matter how bad he is,he wouldn't kill anyone,let alone his brother.

"He was not only my big brother.He was someone I looked up to a lot.He excels in everything,his academics and sports.He was the reason I took up fencing."Baekhyun continued,his eyes not daring to meet mine.I sneaked a peek at his eyes.I could see tears rolling in his eyes,at the edge of dropping.

"I-I...missed him so much.He was the only one that I was truly close to.I thought I was never going to lose him.But I lost him to that stupid fight."Baekhyun continued,his voice unstable,near the verge of crying.

"We got into a big fight because he was about to leave all of us and go study abroad.My mum was strongly against it.Because without my father, my brother was the only one who could support the family.I was on my mum's side because I didn't want him to leave."

I patted his back gently as a sob escaped his lips.He looked up to stop the tears from falling,but failed miserably as the tears came rolling down his cheeks .Seeing him this broken,makes me want to cry too.But I tried to swallow back the tears,because it is not my turn to cry.

"I ran out of the house after shouting at him for not caring for his family.Him being the older hyung,felt sorry for me,so he chased after me."he explained, his adam apple moving up and down,trying to swallow down his tears.

"I remember hearing him shouting my name,trying to stop me.But I ignored him,because I was too stubborn.I was waiting for him to tell me that he won't leave mum and I."

"And then,he got hit by a truck.He died at the spot instantly."his voice became softer and softer."Those were his last words.My name was his last words."

"Because of me,he died.It was all because of me!"he cried.

"It wasn't your fault."I whispered as I pulled him into my embrace.I tried to calm him down,but he cried even harder.I could feel his tears soaking my shirt,but I didn't care.He needs someone there for him right now,

"You didn't kill him.It was an accident."I said,trying to sooth him.He must have kept that in him for so long.Sure his friends were there for him,but I bet he didn't cry in front of them before and vent out his guilt to them.I understand what he is feeling now.He must have felt so guilty that he dreamed about it every night.And I thought that my life was hard enough,how sad must he had felt when he saw my scars on my wrist.I don't appreciate my own life and all he wants is to bring back another life.How cruel was I to him,not knowing how badly he wants his brother back.

"I should have been the one who got hit by that truck.He didn't deserve that.He had such a bright future ahead of him,but I held him back."Baekhyun mumbled,but I could still hear him clearly.

"Stop blaming yourself.No one deserve to get hit by that truck,not even you.So stop saying things like that."I said,holding him tighter.He kept quiet,probably because he couldn't form proper words as his hiccups got in the way.

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