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Taeyeon's POV

I don't know what I did wrong to him,but he has been ignoring me the whole morning.When I saw him,I smiled at him as a polite gesture,but he just glanced at me and ignored me.Was all of that just a dream?Was last night just a dream?Or does he has a split personality or he's just being bipolar today?And yes,the guy who has been ignoring me in school is none other than,Byun Baekhyun.

I remembered making my way to the restroom during recess.And there I saw him,but he wasn't alone.He was making out with a girl against the wall.He noticed me,but he didn't stop.He seems more interested into snogging than talking to me.

I quickly looked away and walked back to the opposite direction,far away from the two 'love birds'.It felt like the guy who has been kind to me last night is a twin who looks like Baekhyun.I thought after last night,we finally became friends,I guess I was wrong.

I thought the relationship between us improved.It was the first time I see him laugh yesterday.And now he turned back to the cold and arrogant boy I first met.

"What's with the sour face?"Tiffany's voice broke into my thoughts.I looked up and saw Tiffany staring at me,waiting for me to answer her.I looked to my left and saw Jessica anticipating my answer too."Nothing."I heaved a sigh before replying nonchalantly."I know that that heavy sigh yourself means more than nothing.Spill girl."Jessica said.

"Well...actually,Byun Baekhyun finally lets me tutor him after school today.But he has been ignoring me the whole morning."I said.

"Wow,that is a huge step,how did you manage to convince him to let you teach him?"Jessica asked.I don't like to lie to my friends,but if I tell them how,they will know my whole story,my secret.

"But you can't expect much from him,he doesn't talk with people he hates.No offense."Tiffany said.I felt relieved that Tiffany changed the topic.

"We talked a lot yesterday and we were fine yesterday.So I thought we became friends."I said,my voice getting quieter and quieter.I just realized that I almost spilled my secret."What did you two talk about?"Tiffany asked,her eyes sparkling.

"Just random stuff."I replied.They still don't know my secret yet,since Byun Baekhyun knows now,my two best friends deserve to know too.So I think I will find the right time to tell them.

"Random stuff?Are you sure it doesn't involve flirting?"Jessica asked in a teasing tone.Tiffany joined in the tease by wriggling her eyebrows at me."It's nothing like that.You girls know that I don't flirt.I rarely socialize with guys."I said.

"That is why Baekhyun is the first guy you are going to flirt with.Oh my god,I am starting to ship you two!"Tiffany silently squealed."We should start a ship name and start to name our fandom!"Jessica turned to Tiffany.I rolled my eyes at them.

While the two delusional girls talk among themselves about shipping me with Baekhyun,I looked towards the door,wondering why the teacher is late today.Ironically,the teacher walked in after I blinked."Class."she greeted.And the class started...


I kicked the pebble which is in my way.Sorry pebble,but I am in a bad mood today.I looked up at the scorching afternoon sun.My eyes squinted as I looked at the sky.Weird,that cloud looked like the letter 'B' and made me thought of Baekhyun.

Okay,I should stop thinking about him.Just because someone acted nice towards me and ignored me the second day,doesn't mean that I should think about him 24/7.Where is he anyway?I thought he will be riding his motorbike and passing by me while I am walking on the same path which leads me to my house.

He said that I can tutor him Math staring from today,but he didn't tell me the time.I think I will go to work and then go home to take a bath before going to his house to tutor him.I turned to my right and walked towards the bar.

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