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Baekhyun's POV

"Hey,hey,why are you taking away my soup?"Chanyeol asked as I grabbed his bowl of soup.

"You haven't touch it yet, right?"I asked.

"Nope,why are you taking my soup?"he asked again.

"Taeyeon hasn't eaten anything yet.She just woke up."I said as I grabbed the toast from Jongdae who was about to take a bite out of it.

"Fine...as long as it is not for yourself."Chanyeol pouted.

"Ooh, it is my first time seeing you begging food from us for someone else. You do care about her huh."Jongdae said,looking teasingly at me.

"Don't beg for anything from me next time you are in trouble."I said and turned away.

"See, he didn't deny, which means he admitted it."I could hear Jongdae blabbering nonsense with Chanyeol.

I walked towards the ward where Taeyeon is resting in. On the way, I saw my partner walking towards my direction. She didn't notice me at first, until I passed by.

"Hey Baekhyun."

I just nodded at her.

"Er..you are giving that to Taeyeon?"she asked,pointing at the food in my hands. I just nodded. She might probably think that I am mute.

"I can help you to give it to her."she said.

"No thanks."I said.

Her hands about to reach the food in my hands, I hugged the goods against my chest, but not tight enough to squish it. It's like I am a baby who is trying to protect his food from getting stolen.

"I said no thank you."I repeated and continued my way to Taeyeon's room.


Bae Minhui's POV

I scoffed when Baekhyun went into that b*tch's room to give her food. What have I said to make him ignore me since we first met. I have known him longer than that b*tch. Before he even came to this school, we were in the same middle school.

He was so smart and so good looking. He was Mr Perfect in our school. I secretly admired him from afar as I was this ugly nerd no one wants to be friends with. I know that Baekhyun doesn't remember me because I don't stand out at all.

But he did something for me, that made me fall in love with him deeply.


"Yah fatty, watch where you are going. Your big bottom just bumped into the edge of my table."a boy insulted me. I looked down and mumbled an apology.

"Don't look down at me,I can see your double chin."he said and everyone in class laughed.

"You are so fat, you disgusted me."the boy said and his friends laughed again.

The duster was suddenly thrown towards him from behind and hit his head.

"Yah!Who threw this!?"the boy shouted as he stood up to find the culprit.

"I did."Byun Baekhyun raised his hand proudly.


"Shut up. She is pretty."Baekhyun said, glancing at me for a second and resuming back to his nap.

"That bastard."the boy muttered as his friends tried to calm him down.

I stood there like an idiot. It felt like I got star-strucked.

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