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Taeyeon's POV

I have never cared about what impression I give especially about what I am wearing.But after the short phonecall with Baekhyun,he asked me to meet him in front of namsan tower at 11 at night.After that being said,he ended the call.

It is going to be cold outside,so I should wear something warm.I don't want to make myself look like an overdressed dumpling when I go meet him.Why does he want to meet me there when we are neighbours?I just don't understand.

I decided to wear my t-shirt and my skinny jeans.Casual plain jane.

"This is it.God...why am I so nervous about this?"I groaned.Mum won't be home by twelve,which gives me time to sneak out of the house.I grabbed my bag and left the house.


Baekhyun's POV

"Are you sure this will work?Seriously,aren't you guys overdoing it?"I asked as I eyed Sehun and Luhan having a hard time putting up the lights around the pole.

"You said you wanted her forgiveness didn't you?We can prepare her a surprise."Jongdae said as he wrapped something sparkly around the leg of the chair."What?Girls like sparkly stuff."Jongdae said when he noticed me cringing a little at the sparkly thingy.

"Taeyeon is not just an ordinary girl that will be woo by all of these."I said.

"Ooh,you like her!"Tao exclaimed."Shut the f*ck up Tao."I muttered.

"You like her~You like her~"Tao chanted in a sing-song tone,making the others laugh."Just be quick,Taeyeon is coming."I muttered.

"Ok,ok,we are almost done."Yixing said.

"Hyung,make sure you give Taeyeon this."Kyungsoo said,handing me a box.

"What is it?"I asked,eyeing the box.

"Just give it to her."Kyungsoo said,beaming me a smile that I am sure has a hidden meaning behind it.I heaved a sigh and placed the box on the table.

"I think we are done here.Everything depends on you Baek."Junmyeon said."Hwaiting."he added.

"I still don't get why you guys insisted in preparing all these fancy stuff."I said as they started to pack.

"This is for your own good.This is your first time showing interest towards a girl.We are not letting her go that easily."Kris said.

"Before I forget,can you guys help me to check something?"I asked.

"If you want me to help you with your attitude,I am glad to help."Chanyeol said,earning a glare from me.

"That day,there is this guy who is trying to get close to Taeyeon.Help me to find out if he stills hang out with Lee Junho."I said.

"Who is this guy?"Jongin asked.

"Kwon Jiyong.He goes by the nickname G-dragon in school.He was friends with Lee Junho,but I am not so sure about now as I don't see these two together."I said.

"So you want to make sure that this guy keeps away from Taeyeon?"Sehun asked.

"If he is involved with Junho,then I am sure that he has other motives to befriend Taeyeon."I said.

"I saw the two talking at the school garden this morning."Chanyeol said."They seemed like they are having fun talking to each other."he added.

That made my blood boil a little.I myself don't even know why.

"Does that makes you feel...sour?"Kyungsoo asked.I looked at him and cocked an eyebrow at him."What do you mean by that?"I asked.

"You looked jealous.I bet even if this dude was just innocently befriending Taeyeon,you will find ways to make her stay away from him."Kyungsoo said.

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