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This is a flashback to the night they got into a fight.

Baekhyun's POV

"Woah,woah,woah,dude,where are you going?I thought we are going to Junmyeon's house straighaway after school?"Chanyeol asked.The boys all looked at me as they got into their cars.

"Need to go home now."I said,as I put on my helmet.

"Now?You are still going to go to that party right?"Jongin asked.

"Maybe,maybe not.Don't know."I started the engine of my motor.

"Don't think that we don't know what is going on.I heard from Jessica that Kim Taeyeon is sick,that's why she is absent today."Kris said,crossing his long arms in front of his chest.I glanced at him and decided to ignore him.So what?What if that is my reason for going home early?

"Ooh,Baekhyun is caring for a girl."they teased and smirked at me.

"It's not like that."I grunted.

"Fine,fine,whatever you say."Luhan said in a sing-song voice.

I drove away before they could say anything to tease me.I gripped on the handles of my motorcycle harder.Will she be pleased if I showed up in her house?Just last night we fought a little and I yelled at her for not being friends.

It wasn't my fault,everyone knows that I have quite a hot temper.I was worried.

I remember glancing into her room thorugh my window and realized that she hadn't gone into her room.I thought she was being held back by her stupid step father downstairs.I started imagining stuff about her step father abusing her downstairs.

Without thinking,I leapt through my window into her room.I landed softly on the soft carpet of her room.Wow,her room didn't look as girly as I expected.She doesn't have any posters of Kpop bands on her walls either.I guess her life is all about studying,based on the mountains of books from the library on her desk.

It was so quiet,so I assumed that no one is home,and that means she went out after I dropped her off.I looked out the window,where could she have gone at this hour.It is already 7 p.m and it is raining outside.

"This pabo..."I muttered and jumped back into my room.I paced back and forth in my room.Should I go and find her?

Screw it,it is none of my business where she goes.I ruffled my hair madly.

"Mom!I am leaving the house for a moment!"I shouted as I ran down the stairs.

"Where are you going?I just prepared dinner."my mum asked,standing at the kitchen's exit.

"I...have to meet someone."I lied,more like searching for someone.

"Someone?Who?Taeyeon?"she mentioned her name and grinned like a chesire cat from Alice In Wonderland.

"Uh...yeah.Her."I said.

"Ooh,but shouldn't you change out from your uniform before meeting her?"my mum asked,pointing at my school uniform.

"No,bye!"I shut the door behind me when I reached for the door.I closed the door behind her when I heard her saying something about me finally going for a decent girl.I rolled my eyes and climbed onto my motorcycle.


End of flashback

Baekhyun's POV

I stretched my arms in the air and twisted my hands a little.I threw the pencil onto my exercise book.Finally done!It is quite easy,I just need to exercise my brain more to adapt to these math problems.

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