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Taeyeon's POV

Even with all the guilt I carried on my shoulders,I still felt like I should pay Baekhyun a visit after school.He is in this state because of me after all.

Since I got fired from my job,I don't have anywhere to go after school.I was planning to take the bus to the hospital,until a car horned behind me.I turned back and saw a white sports car behind me.

Jiyong waved at me and I raised an eyebrow at him.He winded down the window and poked his head out,his arm resting casually at the frame of the window."Where are you planning to go?Mind if I give you a ride?"he asked.

"No thanks."I said,flashing a small smile at his way to show my gratitude.I continued walking towards the bus stop until he said something again.

"No,I insist.Where are you going?"he asked again,his car going forward slowly to match my pace,so that his car is practically walking beside me.

"The hospital."I replied,looking down at him.

"To see your friend I assume."he guessed and I nodded."I am going to pass by there,so why not I give you a ride?"

Wow,he is so persistent.

"No thank you.We are not that close,so I don't think that riding in your car will be a good idea."I said,my words coming out more harsher than I thought,but he doesn't seem to be affected by it and grinned at me instead.

"Come on,this is the first step in our friendship."he convinced me again.He is not going to give up until I get on his damn sports car is he?

"Fine..."I groaned as I opened the car door.A few students passed by and stared at us.Oh no,a new gossip topic is going to surface.Great way of diverting attention...

"I guess people are going to misunderstand us?"Jiyong asked once I shut the car door."Obviously."I muttered.

"I can help you if you want.Tell them we are just friends."he said as he started to drive forward.

"You better.I hate being the centre of gossips."I said.

"You wanna grab lunch before going to the hospital?"he asked.

"No thanks,just drop me off at the hospital."I said.I know I am being a bitch to him right now,but I am in a shitty mood.

"Okay."he chirped and accelerated the car.

We reached the hospital in ten minutes."You can just drop me off the entrance,no need to park in the parking lot."I said.

"Who said that I am not going to visit anyone here?"he smirked at me as he drove into the parking lot.

"Well,practically you just said that you will pass by the hospital so you can give me a ride."I said,emphasizing the key word.

"You heard wrong."he said."But-"I stopped myself because I didn't want to argue with him any further.I sat back and crossed my arms in front of me.

"Why are you following me?"I asked as I stepped out of the lift to level 5."The person I wanted to visit is here."he said.I hummed as I nodded,not buying his lie one bit.

"Okay...then why are you still following me?"I asked as I walked towards Baekhyun's ward.

"The male toilet is right over there."he said,pointing behind me.I glanced behind and looked back at him.My gaze followed him as he walked towards the male's toilet,making sure that he went in.

"Good."I muttered and grabbed the handle of Baekhyun's ward.Is he awake yet?Gosh,I am still not ready to see him though if he really is awake.

I sucked in a deep breath before pushing the sliding door.I expected to see Baekhyun laying on his bed in his coma state.But the bed was empty.

"Who are you?"a girl asked as she looked up from a magazine she was casually flipping through when I wasn't here.

"Oh sorry,I guess I came to the wrong ward."I said as I sneaked a glance at the number plate on the door.Weird,the boys told me that this is his ward.I looked back at the girl as she walked towards me.

"Is this Baekhyun's room?"I asked her.Now that I got a closer look at her.She looks gorgeous.Her long jet black hair stopping at her upper waist.Her white fair skin matched well with her red lips.Her eyes looked captivating even to me.

"Yes.Who are you?"she asked.She looked friendly.

"I am a friend.Who are you?"I asked back because I have never seen her before.

"I am Baekhyun's girlfriend,Go Junhee."she said,crossing her arms in front of her chest,smiling slyly at me.

"You must be Kim Taeyeon?"she asked again when I didn't say anything.I nodded timidly.I was a bit surprised to hear that she is his girlfriend,cause I have never seen her around him before.Maybe she is his recent girlfriend?

"I heard a lot about you."she said.Why would Baekhyun tell his girlfriend about another girl.Won't it cause a misunderstanding?

"Come in and wait for him,he is in the toilet right now."she said as she turned back into the room.

"Ugh...I suddenly remember that I forgot to close the stove this morning when I left my house.So I will go now."I said.Before she could say anything,I turned away and left.That was embarassing.I don't want to become a third wheel between Baekhyun and his girlfriend.What if she thinks that I am a boyfriend stealer.I don't want any trouble.

Why do I feel betrayed?And a bit jealous?Baekhyun and I aren't even in a relationship.Guess I relied on him too much that I grew attached to him.This will sound so pathetic if Baekhyun knows.Like girl,he doesn't even want you.

I didn't pay attention to where I was going,so I bumped into a body that is hard as a wall of bricks."Sorry."I muttered and glanced at the person I just bumped into.It was Kwon Jiyong.

"Hey,where are you rushing to?Your visit was shorter than I expected."he said.He grabbed onto my shoulders and took a closer look at me.

"Woah,woah,woah,what happened to your eyes?They looked red."he said,staring intently into my eyes.

No shit sherlock..

"It got itchy so."I shrugged.I didn't realize that I was near the verge to crying.I am such a crybaby.

"Hmm...okay,I will believe you.So you leaving now?"he asked.

"Yeah."I muttered.He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I stopped walking.

"Wait,you have already visited the person you came to visit?"I asked.

"Yep."he replied.

"But I thought you just went to the male's toilet."I said.

"You have no idea how fast we men pee in the toilet.Want me to describe the details?"he teased.

"No thanks."I snapped.We walked into the lift with his arm still on my shoulder.I am too tired of shaking his arm off me as every time I did that,his arm will come back up.


A/N: Short update!

Yeah,I have been busy after my mid-term exam.I have an assignment due this week and three other assignments due next two weeks.*Sigh*

Good luck the PT3 candidates on your PT3 exam!My brother is taking the exam too,so I am super nervous for him.It is kind of a big deal to me whether he can pass his BM and Sejarah.Haha..^^

So,do you guys like Jiyong?Does he look clingy to you guys or is it just me?And who is the girlfriend of Baekhyun?*wriggle eyebrows*

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