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Taeyeon's POV

"ACHOO!"that is the first thing I did in the morning.I wrinkled my nose and sniffed.God...I shouldn't have stay outside under the rain for so long,now I am sick.I hate the flu the most,it makes me hard to breath and my voice will sound weird and nasal if I speak.

I got up from bed and the second thing I did early morning is walk towards the window to look at my window neighbor.Hmm...it seems like he isn't awake yet.I am still mad at him for scolding and shouting at me last night.Why was he so worked up about that?He said that he cares?Pfft...only stupid people will believe him.

"Our relationship is nothing more than student and teacher."

I remembered what he said before leaving me alone in the rain.Fine then,I will only talk to him about homework and academics.Since our relationship is just merely about that.

I stumbled on the way to the toilet,my head throbbing heavily.Should I skip school?I don't think that I can stay focus in class in this condition.I am no doctor or expert,but I know it when my body isn't feeling well.

I stared at my own reflection.I looked terrible.A few strands of my hair were sticking on my forehead.

"Fany-a,can you tell the teacher that I can't go to school today?"I coughed at the end.

"Are you sick?"Tiffany asked.I coughed twice and sniffed to prove my point.

"Okay,take a rest."she said.I nodded as if she can see me.

"You are not using this excuse to skip the party tonight right?"she suddenly asked.Party?Oh right,I have forgotten about it.

"Who do you think I am?I am really sick."I coughed again.

"Okay,okay.I will tell the teacher and Sica.Take care."she said.

"Thanks."I mumbled and ended the call.Now,is there any medication that can help me with my flu?

I opened the cabinet to find something to help me with my flu.I sneezed ungracefully."Ew..."

I grabbed a tissue to wipe the mucus under my nose.I feel horrible.I regret staying outside of the house with Baekhyun shouting in my face under the rain.I didn't even get anything good out of it.That jerk..

I lied down on the couch and closed my eyes,taking a rest.Step dad must have went out for work,he will come back at the afternoon and I don't want him to find me lying here.He is going to beat me up for skipping school and not going to work.

"Is mum sleeping upstairs?"I asked myself,I don't even recognize my own voice,it is getting hoarser and hoarser.I looked up as if I could look through the ceilings and into the master bedroom.

"Of course she is home.She is sleeping at this time."I said to myself.Now,where should I go?

I got up from bed and just when I stand straight,my head throbbed even harder and my vision became blurry."Ah..."I groaned,clucthing onto my head.Ah!Why is it so hot?Am I having a fever right now?

But I want to go out...

I finally decided to go back to my room to sleep.Eomma is going to wake up soon and go to work and i don't want her to find me skipping school.


I woke up when I heard an annoying sound from the window.I opened my eyes and looked towards the window.It is still bright outside,so it is probably in the afternoon right now.A rock or a pebble was thrown against the window.Who is throwing rocks?

I got up from bed and felt dizzy again,probably because I didn't eat anything.I touched my forehead,it is still burning.I slid open my window and looked at my front.Baekhyun was standing in front of his window with a few tiny rocks in his hand.

I jerked my head upwards asking what he wants.

"Your friends told me that you are sick."he said.I raised an eyebrow."So?"

"Are you feeling better now?"he asked as he rubbed the back of his nape.

"Why do you even care?"I asked,I know I am acting so stubborn and immature right now,but I want to test him.

"Taeyeon,don't push it."he groaned.

"What?Who was the one who shouted at me last night under the rain?"I said,crossing my arms in front of my chest.

He stayed quiet for a few seconds and finally mumbled,"I am sorry."

Did the popular bad boy just apologized to me?Did I heard him correctly?Or is my head playing tricks with me?

"What did you say?"I asked.

"Sorry."he mumbled again.He clearly has no experience in apologizing to someone,his ego is too high for that.

I kept quiet as I stared at him.Should I forgive him?He did apologise...

"Are you being sincere right now?"I asked,testing his patience.He looked up and frowned.

"Of course I am being sincere.What do you want me to do to accept my apology?"he growled.

"I think I just heard an angry tone coming out from your voice."I said."Fine,I will forgive you."I said.His frown and smiled a little after I said that.

"But on one condition."I said,the frown came back.

"You better get a B in the Math quiz next week."I said and glanced at his expression.He seems relieved.I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he stretched his arms.

"Okay."he agreed,smirking at me.Why does he look so confident?Does he even know how to do the rest of the chapters?

"Hmm."I hummed and was about to turn back to resume sleeping until he called my name again.

"What?"I looked back.But I widened my eyes when he climbed out of his window and was ready to jump into mine."Wait-what are you doing?Are you mad?"I exclaimed,starting to panic.

"Move."he ordered and I moved away from my window.He jumped in gracefully like he had done it ton of times."What are you doing in my room?"I questioned him as he slowly stood up from his squatting position.

He didn't say anything,instead,his hands leaned forward to my head.I backed away.What is planning to do?

I shut my eyes when his hands grabbed the both sides of my head.Is he planning to kiss me?I should back away,but why can't I move?

I suddenly felt a slightly cold forehead leaning on my forehead.I slowly opened my eyes and saw Baekhyun staring at me in the eyes,the corner of his lips wavering up a little.I swallowed the lump in my throat as I realized how close we are.If I tiptoed a little,our lips would touch.

"You are still burning."he whispered.I furrowed my eyebrows at him.He pulled away and I started to miss the coolness on my forehead.How delusional am I?I thought he was going to kiss me,he was just estimating my temperature.

"Y-Yeah.I didn't have any medicine."I said.

"I have some at my house."he said as he touched my neck gently,checking my temperature.Stop Baekhyun!Can't you see that I am blushing so badly right now from your touch?

"Stay here.I will get some medicine."he said and climbed out of my window.I stared at his back gratefully.

Byun Baekhyun,I have already forgive you.


A/N: I know,short update.Hope you all liked it!<3

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