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Taeyeon's POV


"Who is it?"a voice shouted from behind the door,which I assume belongs to Mrs Byun."Your neighbor."I replied,raising my voice so that she could hear me.

"Hi!"Mrs Byun greeted me.Wow,she looks so friendly,unlike her son."Hi,er...actually,I was assigned to tutor Byun Baekhyun-ssi by our home room teacher."I said as I glanced down at my books.

"Oh,my son didn't tell me about this."she muttered to herself and continued,"Come in,come in!"she grinned widely.I smiled and nodded my head as I stepped into the house.The house looked spacious compared to mine,probably it's because they have lesser furniture since they just moved in.

"I will make some refreshments,he is in his room.The room at the left from the stairs."Mrs Byun said as she made her way towards the kitchen.She flashed me a smile before making her way towards the kitchen.

I glanced at the stairs,there were full of trophies lining up along the stairs,unlike my home that is filled with beer bottles.I narrowed my eyes at the labels of the trophies,all of them had Baekhyun's name engraved on it.What surprise me the most was that these trophies were from Mathematics competitions,some are even from fencing.How did he even get first prize in all of these competitions?Is this the same Byun Baekhyun I know?

"What are you doing here?"a cold voice broke into my thoughts.I looked up and my eyes met a pair of cold eyes.How did this guy achieve all of these trophies and medals?"Why are you in my house?"he asked again,the cold tone unwavering.

"I-I...I am here to tutor you."I stuttered a little.Why am I so scared to talk to him?He's just like everyone in school.Except the fact that he breaks the school rules,beats people up and is a gang member...

"Tutor?"he cocked an eyebrow.I froze at his cold aura.What should I say?Will he kick me out of the house?

"Baekhyun-a,your friend came to tutor you.Let me bring these refreshments up to your room."his mother suddenly interrupted us.Baekhyun shot his mother a glare,"She's not my friend.I am going to my room,tell her to leave."He said as he turned back and marched up the stairs.

I felt a stab of hurt when he said that.I am not even getting paid for tutoring him and he is treating me like this.If his results didn't achieve average,I will not get that certificate,this will affect my future.

"Don't be mean.Honey,you can go up to his room.Let's go."his mother sent me an encouraging smile as she walked up the stairs.When we reached upstairs,Mrs Byun knocked the door before turning the knob,allowing her to step into her son's room.I thought he would lock the door since he didn't want anyone especially me to come in.

"Here."Mrs Byun placed the tray of refreshments on Baekhyun's desk.I took my time to scan the room with my eyes.This room looks like the typical teenage boy room and surprisingly,it smelt nice and fresh.

"Honey,what's your name?"Mrs Byun turned towards me."Kim Taeyeon."I replied and smiled at her."Taeyeon-a,do you want to join us for dinner?Since it's evening already."she asked.

Before I could even reply,Baekhyun beat me to it by saying,"Eomma,don't."

"Why not?She is your friend."

"She is not my friend."he muttered.Is it that hard to just go with the flow even if I am not his friend?It isn't embracing to be my friend,right?

"I will take that as a yes Taeyeon-a,I am going to prepare dinner for five."Mrs Byun said as she left the room and closed the door behind her.I stood there awkwardly and glanced at Baekhyun who is sitting on his bed.

I cleared my throat to grab his attention and it worked.He looked up at me and glared at me."I don't need your stupid tutoring."

"It's not stupid.It's knowledge that you must learn."I said,where did I get the courage to correct him?He stared at me before standing up.

He walked towards me as he stared at me coldly.I swallowed the lump that is slowly rising up my throat.He stopped in front of me.It looked like his eyes were scanning my face.I looked around awkwardly because I wasn't used to someone staring at my face shamelessly.

He suddenly touched my cheek,I felt my skin froze under his touch.His hand felt warm on my cheek,unlike his cold facial expression."Who slapped you?"he asked.I gulped.Aish,I should have look at myself in the mirror before coming.Was the slap mark that obvious?

"Er...I was taking a nap with my cheek against my arm.So that explains the mark."I chuckled awkwardly,hoping that he will buy my lie.

"But I see finger marks.A palm."he said,it's my first time seeing this side of Byun Baekhyun.His gaze looked soft and his hand felt gentle on my cheek.He must have realized what he was doing,because his eyes went back to that cold stare and his hand went back to his side.

"You can go back.Like I said for the nth time,I don't need tutoring."He went back to his cold self."I am here to tutor you English."I said as I placed my books on his table."Please,let me help you."I added as I stared at him.Why do I have to beg him to let me teach him?Because of that damn certificate!

"There's no use.It's too late to teach me.Just go and teach someone else."he said as he went and opened the door,hinting me to leave his room."It's never too late to learn.I can teach you the basics and all of the things you don't know.I can teach you all over again."I tried to convince him.

"God...why are you so stubborn?"he groaned,losing his patience.Since I am so stubborn like he said,I will continue to convince him to let me teach him."Then why are you so stubborn to make me leave?"I retorted.Why am I so brave today?I am not stuttering at all.

"It's my life,my studies.I don't need a fucking stranger to come to my house to tutor me!"he raised his voice slightly.He just did something that I hate a lot in front of me,which is swearing.I hate people who swears,for instance,my stepdad.

"To be honest,I am here not because I am worried about your future and your results!I am here to teach you and help you with your studies because I need to get the certificate which is very important to me in the future.Stop being such an ungrateful...person!"

He stared at me like I am mad,which is true."After these three months,I will not care about how you waste your life.So just let me tutor you."I continued and stared at him determinedly.Was that harsh?I hope not.

There was silence for a moment until the corner of his mouth suddenly crept up,forming a devilish smirk.What is in his mind right now?

"Oh,now I know what you are trying to do."he said as he approached me slowly.I dislike the look he is giving me and took a step back,my waist bumping against the edge of the desk."You are trying to seduce me."he continued.What?!Seduce him?Why would I do something like that?

"It's not surprising.The girls in school always use a lot of tactics to seduce me,your tactic is new.Tutoring me?More like seducing me."he said.How can someone like him even exist?Conceited much?

I felt my insides boiling with anger.He has crossed the line,insulting me."I hate you!"I shouted as I slapped his arm with my book.He widened his eyes in shock and glanced at his arm before looking back at me.I am sure that it doesn't hurt much,at least I didn't slap him in the face.Before he could say anything,I stormed out of his room and ran down the stairs.

Mrs Byun was still in the kitchen,so I quickly slipped out the house before she noticed me.Sorry Mrs Byun,but I am going to skip your dinner...


A/N: I hope you all love this chapter.I remember when I first publish my fanfics,it hardly got pass 50 reads.I remember checking the votes and reads almost everyday of my fanfics.When it increased,I will boast about it to my friend,telling her how happy I was.Now,I rarelyy check the reads and it really surprised me that 'Her Voice' which is my other Baekyeon fanfic has gained 69k reads.Thank you so much!And for this new fanfic,thank you for voting and reading it.I wouldn't be writing this much if it weren't for all of you.Thank you so much!Love you all!<3

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