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Baekhyun's POV

"Still remember how to ice skate?"I asked Taeyeon. I noticed her staring anxiously at the ice rink when we were putting on our skates.

"I think?"she looked up at me.

"Don't worry, I will lead you."I said, grabbing her hand. She smiled at me and I led her into the ice rink.

"Hopefully those dorks aren't here."I muttered as we started to skate slowly towards the center of the rink.

"You means your friends?I am sure that they will be fun."she said.

"Glad you think that, our sister-in-law."

I groaned and looked around.

"What are you guys doing here?"I asked all eleven of them. All of them are skating round and round around the two of us.

"Can't you see? We are skating."Sehun said as he skates pass us.

"Then skate by your own, as you guys can see, we are on a date."I said,looking blankly at them.

"It's okay. The more the merrier right?"Taeyeon smiled at them. "Yeah, yeah, the more the merrier."the boys agreed with her incoherently.

"Fine..."I groaned. I only gave in because Taeyeon insisted to let them join us. I knew I made the wrong decision when they started to pull Taeyeon away from me while we are skating together at the side.

"Hey Taeyeon, so, is it fun skating with us?"Luhan asked her as Taeyeon and him skated side by side.

"Not bad. I am having fun."she replied. 

"More fun than boring Baekhyun?"Sehun skated at her opposite side and asked.

"Erm..."Taeyeon trailed off as she glanced warily at me who is left behind with Chanyeol and Kyungsoo.

"Please tell me it is pure coincidence that you guys are here at the same time."I muttered.

"We actually asked Jessica and Tiffany and they said that you guys are here."Chanyeol said.

"Oh, snap."I muttered and glanced at Taeyeon who is having fun with my friends.

"Don't worry, we won't do anything to embarass you in front of her."Yixing said, putting an arm on my shoulder.

"That is not what I am worrying about. This is a date. D.A.T.E. Who brings their friends on one? Moreover, eleven?"

"Then...you are the first one."Chanyeol said.

"I didn't bring you guys."I groaned.

"Which saved your energy a lot, we came here to enjoy the date with you guys."Junmyeon said.

"Haha, very funny."I rolled my eyes.

"Baekhyun-a, come and skate. Don't just stand there."I heard Taeyeon calling me as she skated pass me.

"Ooh, she called your name Baekhyun-a instead of Baekhyun."they teased.

"Sod off."I said and skated away from them and towards Taeyeon who is stuck between Luhan and Sehun. Before  could touch her, Kris and Tao pulled her hand and the trio skated together away from us.

"Oh hello there, didn't see you behind us."Sehun said, waving at me as I glared at the two of them. I hit him hard in his knee, causing him to slip down and fall.

"Oh hello there, didn't see you in front of me."I skated pass him and glanced behind me as Luhan helped Sehun up.

Can this date get any worse?

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