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Baekhyun's POV

"Had a great sleep sleeping beauty?"Sehun asked as they stepped into my ward.The doctors should really limit the amount of visitors their patients have for an hour,cause because of these baboons,the room is crowded.

"Hey Junhee,didn't see you there."Chanyeol said as he glanced behind the door and waved at her.Junhee just flashed him a bored look and nodded at them.

"Byun Baek,did you see Taeyeon today?We convinced her yesterday and she promised to pay you a visit."Jongdae said.

"You have no idea how guilty Taeyeon looked yesterday when we talked to her.She is lonely now as her friends are not talking to her at the moment."Junmyeon said.

"Hyung,do you think her friends will stop talking to her?"Tao asked his favourite hyung,Kris.These two obviously have a very strong brotherly bond towards each other.They are just inseparable even if they are total opposites.Tao is clingy and scared of everything,and Kris is this cold city guy who doesn't care about any shit and acts cool 24/7 of the day.

"Not sure about her other friend,but I think Jessica will talk to her soon.Since she is nice and all."Kris said.Again with being bias over someone.I knew that Kris had a crush on that girl even if he didn't want to admit it.Being the quiet one in the group,I observed a lot of things happening around me.You don't even want to know how much I know about these morons.

"Back to the million dollar question shall we?Did you see Taeyeon?"Kyungsoo asked me.Is that even important?I scoffed mentally as I recalled what happened early this afternoon.


I was washing my hands in the toilet and staring at my own reflection through the mirror.Not being conceited or anything,but the small bandage on my forehead made me look hot.Not that I think that I don't look hot as usual.

"Checking out yourself?"a voice asked.I looked up at the reflection behind me.A boy about the same age as me was standing behind me as he walked towards the counter.I decided to ignore him,since I don't talk to people I don't know.

I shut the tap to stop the water from running and turned to my right to pull out a piece of disposable towel to dry my hands.

"I thought you weren't gonna wake up.Cause Taeyeon told me that you were in a very serious state."he said.Hearing Taeyeon's name,I looked back at him,shooting him a glare.Who is he?I have never seen him around Taeyeon before.I know I am always ignorant about the people who are insignificant to me,but I did pay some attention to Taeyeon and I know clearly that Taeyeon only hang out with her two best friends.

"The name is Kwon Jiyong."he said,reaching out his hand for a handshake.One thing he should know about me is that I don't do handshakes,especially with people who pissed me off from their first impression.He pulled back his hand awkwardly as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You have never heard of m-"

"Who are you and how do you know Taeyeon?"I ceased him and asked.

"Maybe this will be easier for you,I go by the nickname G-dragon around school."he said.

G-dragon?I have heard of him.He is friends with Lee Junho,that bastard.Since he is Junho's friend,he must be someone that have no good intentions.

"How the f*ck do you know Taeyeon?"I asked.

"You can ask her if you want.I don't know."he said,a sly smile playing across his lips.He turned back and walked out of toilet before I could say more.I clenched my fist on the disposable towel before throwing it into the bin.

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