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Bae Minhui's POV

"The police are searching for you everywhere. But apparently they aren't doing a good job at it because I found you first."I said, looking up to the stranger before me. I don't care if he is dangerous and that there is a possibility that he can hurt me. As long as the two of us share the same goal, it doesn't matter.

I knew he looked familiar when I saw him lurking around the neighbourhood. Approaching was hard enough because he ran away when he noticed me. After three days, I finally get to have a proper conversation with him.

"Don't you think that you look a little too young to murder people?"he asked, staring at me skeptically as he followed behind me.

"I wasn't like this. But it is worth it to get the love of my life. Even if he doesn't feel the same, he will realise his hidden feelings for me soon after Taeyeon is gone."I said, looking around to make sure that no one is spying on us. 

"Tsk. Although I really want to get rid of that little brat, you are frightening me with your psychotic speech."He said, breathing out a chilly air.

"We can work together. I have the brains and you have the strength."I tried to bargain. I could see the old abandoned house in front of me already.

"Why should I trust you that you won't tell the police about me?"he asked, crossing his arms and stopping beside me as I unlocked the door.

"I brought proof with me before coming to you."I said and pushed the door to let him in. I switched on the lights and welcomed him in. "This kid is from my school. He is a nobody, so no want will even notice that he is gone...or even dead."I gestured to the body that is lying in the middle of the floor.

"Hmm...you can kill this kid yourself. Why can't you just kill Kim Taeyeon yourself?"

"Like I said, he is a nobody. Which  means he doesn't have any friends and he is always alone. I pretended to act friendly with him and invited him over to play. Then backstab him. Easy."I explained. "It is very easy to kill a person who lets their guard down."I added.

"And what is your plan?"he asked.

"Are you going to join me?"

"What's your plan?"he asked again. I assumed that is his way of agreeing with me.

"Kim Taeyeon is never alone. Her boyfriend is always beside her. So we have to get him out of the way first."I said.


Taeyeon's POV

"Let's study Chemistry together later."I said as Baekhyun and I walked side by side towards his motorcycle.

"As in the subject or..."he trailed off, smirking at me. I hit his arm jokingly and laughed.

"Of course 99% the subject and...1%for the real Chemistry."I decided to play along.

He was about to say something until his phone rang. 

"Yobuseyo?"he answered the phone.

"What?"after a moment he frowned. He touched his back pocket. "Wait a sec."he said and handed me his phone as he unzipped his bag and searched for something that seems really important to him. 

"Okay. Where are you? I will be right there."he said and ended the call.

"What happened?"I asked, concerned with whatever happened.

"I dropped my wallet and someone said that my wallet is with her."he said.

"Oh."I thought that it was something really really bad. Luckily someone found his wallet.

"I will go and get my wallet. You wait here."Baekhyun said. I nodded. He pecked my forehead quickly, with a pat on my right shoulder before leaving me alone. I heaved a sigh and looked around. The parking lot is basically empty because everyone left and I think Baekhyun's bike is the only one left.

I walked towards his motor slowly, hoping that Baekhyun come back quickly. I kicked every single solid obstacle in front of me. After walking around the parking lot in circles, I glanced at my watch and realized that Baekhyun has been gone for ten minutes.

What is taking him so long?

By this time, all of the students had already left the school's ground. I sighed and decided to wait for him at the school's entrance, I was bored from counting the tiny pebbles near Baekhyun's motor.

After a few minutes, I realized that I had been memorizing the car plate numbers.

Suddenly, someone hit my neck from behind. I didn't even have the chance to turn back or scream, because I passed out after that hit.


Baekhyun's POV

"Please give me back my damn wallet."I groaned. It has been more than ten minutes and I have been walking up and down with this girl as she tried to remember where she left my wallet after finding it.

"Wait, I think I left it in the common room."Bae Minhui said. I heaved a sigh. 

We just passed by the common room just now. Now we have to head back up.

 "Why are you so careless? You called me and said that you lost my wallet as well, how dumb are you?"I started to lose my patience. Taeyeon is waiting for me and I know her patience, she is probably counting rocks by now.

Her phone started ringing. "Let me take this call."she said as she picked up.

"Great. Meet you later."she smiled and hung up. She glanced at me and reached into her bag. Pretending to look surprised, my wallet appeared in her hand.

"What the actual f*ck? It was in your bag the whole time?"I growled, feeling played.

"Oh right, I didn't know. But I didn't steal anything, so you can check."she said.

"Nevermind."I turned on my heel and ran down the stairs.

When I reached the parking lot where I left Taeyeon, I was panting, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Once I managed to catch my breath, I looked around, but there was no sign of Taeyeon.


"Taeyeon?"I unlocked the back seat and took out my helmet, staring at the other helmet I bought for Taeyeon before shutting the back seat. She might be waiting at the school's entrance.

I drove to the school's entrance where she will usually wait for me. My smile dropped when she wasn't there. Is she mad at me for taking so long?

Where is she?

I heaved a sigh and speed dialed her number.

She wasn't picking up her phone.

Did she go home without me? That might be it...maybe she is walking home and she doesn't have the time to pick up my calls. I have to remind her to pick up her phone no matter what later when I see her.


A/N: Little did Baekhyun know that Taeyeon is gone. She's taken. Kind of pity him although I wrote this 'tragedy'.T^T

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