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Taeyeon's POV

I stared at the person who was staring back at me.

"What are you doing here?"she asked as she looked at me and glanced at the boys.

"Whose blood is that?Did you get hurt?"she asked when I didn't reply.I slowly shook my head.

"M-My friend's b-blood."

"What?What did you do?"she asked,looking concern.She put down the files in her hands and squatted down in front of me.

"Taeyeon-a,tell me what happened?"she asked.

"Is this about your stepdad?"she asked again and looked up at the boys who were just staring at her.

"Yes.He abused your daughter.And our friend protected her from a glass bottle that was about to hit her."Kyungsoo explained to my mother.He's the only one who managed to talk properly here.

"What?Are you hurt anywhere?"my mother turned back to me and examined my arm.I pulled my arm away from her and glared at her.Do I still love you?If you didn't bring that monster in,none of this would have happened.I told you how abusive he is and you just said that it was because I did something wrong.Can't you see how abusive that monster is?Are you really blinded by love?

"No."I replied,although my back hurts from being kicked by that monster.My abdomen felt sore too,but that is not the main problem right now.

"He died because of me!"I cried as I glared at her.

"He died mum!"I shouted,hot tears flowing down my cheeks.My mother just stared at me.

"Who died?Your stepdad?!"

Is she trying to act stupid or something?

"Baekhyun!My friend!And we can't bring him back!And whose fault is that?Mine!"I shouted like a mad man.Some of the patients stared at me as they passed by,but I didn't care.Who have the time to think about other stuff when you just found out your friend died because of you?

"He died!"I repeated,crying.She just stood there not knowing what to do to calm me down.

"Taeyeon-a,I am really sorry."she said after a moment.

"Sorry doesn't cut it.Sorry can't bring him back to life!Sorry can't stop me from feeling guilty!"I shouted at her.

"Y-You!Should h-have listen,"I said as I pointed at her accusingly."W-When I said that he is a-abusive..."I whispered,not having the energy to talk anymore.

"He isn't coming back anymore."I sobbed and wiped away the tears furiously.I buried my face into my hands and cried,"He isn't coming back anymore..."

I have never been this devastated before.The last time I cried for someone,was when my mum told me that my dad died in a car crash.Why does such things keep on happening?Why can't I just live a normal life?He should have avoided me and stay away from me,or else none of this will happen.


I looked up at the source of voice and it was Mrs Byun.I bit my bottom lip and stood up slowly.Oh no,I forgot that I have to deal with Baekhyun's family.They are going to make me pay for the loss of their son.

"I am really sorry Mrs Byun."I said as I bowed down 90 degrees in front of her.I tightened my grasp on my knees which are already bruised.

"Taeyeon-a,it's okay."Mrs Byun said.What?She forgive me just like that?She doesn't sound sad either.I looked up at her with a confused expression.Why is she smiling at me?

"B-But,Baekhyun,h-he."I stuttered.What should I say?Tell her that her son is dead and she shouldn't be so happy?

"Aunty Byun,we are really sorry for your loss."Junmyeon said,looking sorrowful.

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