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Baekhyun's POV

"Talk about the most unluckiest person in the world."Jongdae said sarcastically.Chanyeol glared at him and set down his duffel bag.

"I think you two are so fated to be together.You are going to go through the whole trip with Lee Junho.Isn't that great..."Jongdae continued with his sarcastic remarks.

"Yeah great opportunity to scratch that stupid smirk off his face."Chanyeol muttered.

"Stop being so grumpy,it doesn't suit your happy go lucky personality."I said,patting Chanyeol at the shoulder.

"Thanks a lot."Chanyeol sneered.

"You are lucky,you get to sit with our class' flower."Jongdae said.

"What is her name again?"I asked.

"Bae Minhui. Every guy in school is going to be so jealous of you.I wonder what Taeyeon will think about this."Jongdae said, smiling mischeviously.

"Why would Taeyeon think anything about it?"I asked,not getting his point at all.

"Are you that dense hyung?It is so damn obvious that she likes you and is going to be jealous of you when she sees you spending time with Joohyun."Chanyeol said.

"Even an idiot knows that."Jongdae added,referring to Chanyeol who doesn't have a clue that the idiot Jongdae was referring to was himself.

"I don't think that she has time to be jealous when her partner is that bastard."I said and glanced at my far right,where Kwon Jiyong and Taeyeon are standing together, side by side awkwardly.

It appears that they haven't solve the arguement they had a few days ago. Taeyeon didn't bother to start a conversation with him and that jerk was completely ignoring her. That sight looks great.

"Ooh,you are jealous of Gd."Chanyeol teased,poking my shoulder.

"I don't have time to think petty thoughts like this."I muttered.

"Just admit it!It is our first time seeing you like this."Jongdae nudged me.I hit the back of his head in return and he stopped.

"Fine,fine,I will call Taeyeon then.Taeyeon-a!"he shouted her name before I could stop him.

This troll...

She walked towards us leaving her 'lucky' partner there. "Yes?"

"Baekhyun doesn't like the fact that you are partners with Kwon Jiyong."Jongdae said,smiling cheekily at me. They love teasing me because they know that I won't do anything bad to them. Just wait until I go back and strangle them or ask Kyungsoo to help me.

"Oh,really?"Taeyeon glanced at me, smiling with the stupid troll.

"Maybe it is because Baekhyun only gets to partner up with the flower of our class and you get to partner up with...your crush over there."Jongdae said,playfully pointing at Kwon bastard.This time I kept quiet and stared at her,looking at her reaction to that. Will she deny that he is her crush or admit it?

"Jiyong is just a friend,not a crush."Taeyeon smiled.

"Phew,we thought Baekhyunnie is going to have a love rival with hi-"I stepped on Jongdae's foot purposely and said,"Go and hang out with your partner,don't worry about this troll."

Taeyeon nodded and smiled at us one last time before going back to Kwon bastard.

"Do you need me to tape your mouth for you to shut up?"I muttered as Jongdae massaged his foot.

"Calm down dude,at least we know that your crush don't have a crush on Kwon."Jongdae said.

"Everyone!I need your attention!Gather into groups with your partners,because after we count your attendance,you all are going to line up to get on the bus."the teacher shouted.

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