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Taeyeon's POV

Luckily Baekhyun is here,but it feels so cliche,because we are the only ones here and Baekhyun magically appears to save me.I looked at him and then looked down at Junho who is trying to get back on his feet.

"As expected,Byun Baekhyun."Junho said as he stood up and face him.Still trying to act cool huh?

He glanced at me and then back to Baekhyun.An evil smirk crept onto his lips and said,"You like her,do you?"

I blushed and looked at Baekhyun.

Byun Baekhyun likes me?He is no way closer to like me.He just so happens to be here and decided to give you a punch since you are his biggest enemy,jerk face!

"Stay away from her Lee Junho."Baekhyun ignored Junho's question and warned him."You have no idea what I can do to your gang."he added.Please don't fight,I hate violence.Just hold a meeting between the two gangs and sign a peace contract then the problem will be solved.Maybe have a cup of coffee while you are on that.I don't get why guys like to fight to get what they wanted,it's just so childish.

"What if I don't?"Lee Junho asked.Obviously you will be beaten up again,which I hope it wouldn't happen.Junho suddenly put an arm around my shoulder and smirked at Baekhyun.I stared at Baekhyun pleadingly.He suddenly tensed up and I could see him clenching his fist,ready to give a second punch across Junho's cheek.I tried to move away from him since I feel uncomfortable for him to touch me,but he tighten his grip around my shoulders,not letting me go.I can feel my shoulders arching back and my shoulder blades almost reaching out to each other behind my back.

"Then you are going to regret it."Baekhyun said.Without letting Junho having the time to react,he punched Junho across the face again.Baekhun pulled me towards him when Junho let go.I crashed into his chest because of the sudden impact.

"Oof."I briefly smelled the scent on Baekhyun's uniform.

I pushed myself away gently from Baekhyun and looked behind to see Junho smirking at us.What is his problem?What's with the look he is giving us,why is he smirking at us like he won or something?

"Stay away from her."Baekhyun said and turned back,pulling me along with him.I stayed quiet as he led me to his motorbike.The atmosphere around was quiet,but it wasn't awkward at all.Without speaking a word,he placed a helmet on my head and helped me to buckle up the belt of the helmet.Like the first time,I felt butterflies in my stomach when his fingers brushed across my chin.What are you doing to me Byun Baekhyun?!

"From today onwards,you have to wait for me everyday after school.Wait outisde the class and not outside of the school."he said in an authoritative tone."But I need to go to work after school."I said.Thank you for your extremely rare kind offer,but I still need to go to work.I got on behind him onto the motorbike.

"I will drive you there and wait for you there and we can ride home together."he said without looking at me as he started the engine,"Hold tight."he said and soon,the wind was blowing into my face as he drove forward in an accelerating speed.I grabbed onto his blazer,but after a few seconds,my hands naturally wrapped around his waist just in case I fall off the bike.I enjoyed the scenery that passed by in front of my eyes while the bike accelerate forward towards the destination.I closed my eyes and rested the side of my head on Baekhyun's back.It felt like we have gotten closer,although we don't speak much,I could feel it.

Once we reached our destination,I got off his bike and he helped me to unbuckled my helmet off my head.It's not like I don't know how to wear a helmet,why does he always help me as if I am a kid?

"Go in.I will be around here."he said.I nodded and went through the back door of my workplace.

As usual,I started to do my job by rushing around and serving customers.It felt weird.Because I could feel Baekhyun's eyes on me the whole time.He sat alone at the corner and ordered a simple glass of mocktail.Is he worried about me?Or was he bored?

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