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Taeyeon's POV

"What are you planning to eat?"Tiffany asked as she walked at my right side.I showed her my bread to answer her."You are eating bread again?"Jessica asked as she walked at my left side."Yeah,what's wrong with it?"I asked.

"You can try the cafeteria's food sometime.You are always eating bread.Sometimes,you even starve yourself during recess."Jessica said.

"Look at you,you are too skinny."Tiffany said as she lifted up my wrist.I pulled my wrist away from her grasp quickly.I don't want my sleeve to go backwards,revealing the scar on my wrist again.I barely convinced Jessica to forget about my scar that day,I don't want to lie to another person again.

"I am going to order two pasta set,and you must eat one of them Taeyeon,it is an order!"Jessica said as she walked towards the queue,not giving me a chance to reject her offer."Listen to Sica,it's good for you.Go and find a table,I am going to order healthy fresh pressed fruit drinks for you."Tiffany said as she walked towards the queue too.

I heaved a sigh.I don't deserve to have friends like that,I have been lying to them all this time.I have been keeping a huge secret from them,I am a horrible friend.

I looked around and finally found a table.I made my way towards that table until a hand suddenly pulled me away.I turned my head towards that person and recognized him as Luhan,one of the members in EXO.

"W-What are you doing?"I was taken aback by him.He didn't answer me and pulled me away from the table I just had my eyes on.I looked at where he was taking me and saw that he took me to EXO's table.All eleven of them were already there,including Baekhyun.

"Hey Kim Taeyeon!Nice to meet you!"Jongdae greeted."Hi."I replied.Now,why did Luhan pulled me to this table?

"Sit."Sehun said as he moved away so that I can sit between Luhan and him."No thanks,I am going to sit with my friends at that table."I said as I jabbed my thumb behind me.

"What table?All of them are taken."Jongin asked and I looked behind me.The table I had my eyes on earlier was taken by a bunch of nerds.I heaved a sigh.Where am I going to sit now?

"Just sit with us.Your friends can join us too."Sehun said as he pulled my arm,making me sit beside him.I looked at my front and saw Baekhyun sitting in front of me.He was quietly chewing on his food.Is he usually that quiet?He doesn't seem like the type to keep quiet all the time.

"How is Baekhyun doing with his academics?"Luhan asked."He's doing fine."I replied."He actually doesn't need to be tutored,he can learn by himself if he wanted to."Sehun said.Geez...these two are interogating me like they are his parents.

I felt Baekhyun shooting Sehun a glare after he said that,but Sehun just ignored it and continued,"He's IQ is the highest among us."

"I see..."I replied nonchalantly and took a bite out of my bread.His friend just said that Baekhyun's IQ is the highest among them,so that means that he is pretty smart too,unless his friends has an IQ below average which is impossible.

"Taeyeon-a."I heard Jessica's voice behind me.I looked up and saw Tiffany and Jessica glancing around and back to me questionably.I just shrugged my shoulders at them.

"Oh,you are Taeyeon's friend right?Sit here!"Chanyeol said,patting the seat between Kris and him.I noticed Jessica staring at Kris before sitting beside him.Is something going on between them?Tiffany then sat beside Jessica too.The both of them looked at me questionably once again since I didn't explain anything to them about sitting with a bunch of popular boys,asking me why am I sitting here with a bunch of boys.I gave them a 'will explain later' look before biting my bread.

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