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Taeyeon's POV

"After my dad died when I was only 13 years old,everything bad started to happen.A year after his death,my mum remarried another guy who is now my stepdad."I said as I played with my fingers.Baekhyun just stared at me as I told him my story."He was nice at first,but when my mum wasn't looking,he would abuse me with tiny little reasons like not closing the door or leaving the tv on when no one is watching.After a while,he didn't care and even abused me in front of my mum."I continued.

"The worst thing was,my mum didn't even care.She didn't even care if her only daughter is getting beaten up by someone."I said,feeling the tears in my eyes."I was so depressed at the age of 15,so I cut myself.I thought if I cut myself,I can live another whole new life with a new family that treats me well.But when I woke up the next morning,I was already in the hospital,getting treated by doctors.I thought my mum cared for once.But she scolded me for making her pay for the hospital bills."

Baekhyun just stared at me.I started to feel nervous,what will he think of me?Will he think that I am pathetic?That I am disgusting?

"I...I don't know what to say.I am speechless."he said."I didn't know that you are going through all of this alone."he continued.I could see in his eyes that he looked concerned and worried.I was glad it wasn't eyes filled with sympathy.I don't need anyone's pity.

"It's okay.I will move out when I have enough money to own a unit."I said.

"Let's start our tuition tomorrow."he said."Sure.I will teach you math first,since there is going to be a quiz next week."I said as I stood up.

He stared at me as he stood next to his motorcycle.I raised an eyebrow at him,wondering why he is staring at me."Get on.I will drive you home."he said.

"Uh..thanks."I thanked him and walked towards his motorcycle."Wear this."he said as he helped me to put on a helmet onto my head.I felt a tinge of shiver when his fingers brushed against my chin as he helped me to buckle up the helmet.I was just shamelessly staring at his eyes as he helped me to wear the helmet."Don't you need to wear it yourself too?"I asked him as he got onto his bike.

"Nah,your safety first."he said and patted the space behind him."But-"he ceased me by saying,"Don't worry,I will drive carefully.Get on."

I did as he said."Hold onto me."he suddenly said."Huh?"

"You can hold onto my shirt if you don't want to fall off the bike."he said."Oh."I carefully held onto the corner of his shirt.He shook his head slightly as he chuckled.What is so funny?

He suddenly drove forward and my arms instinctively wrapped around his waist and hugged him as close as I can.I am too scared to fall,or maybe die.

All I could hear are the cars passing by and the sound of the wind,because I had my face buried into his back.I could smell the faint scent from his shirt.It's the same smell I smelt in his room that day.

The nice calming smell that I like.The smell is hard to describe because it doesn't smell like colognes,it smelt like warmth.I looked up slowly and felt the wind blowing pass my face.It feels so refreshing.

"Comfortable?"he asked."Huh?"I asked back.

"Is my back comfortable?"he asked.Although I can't see his face,I could sense him smirking cockily by himself."It's okay."I muttered.

I hated to admit to that and give him a satisfying answer.His back does feels comfortable.I secretly wish I can just sleep on it all night.Me and my crazy fantasies.

"We are here."he finally said as he pulled his bike into a stop between my house and his."Thanks.See you tomorrow."I said as I got off his bike.

"See you too."he said and stared at me.I furrowed my eyebrows at him and turned back until I heard him calling my name for the first time."Taeyeon!"

I looked back at him.He poked his own head twice.It took me a moment to understand what he was trying to say.I walked back to him and tried to take off the helmet.But I didn't know how to unbuckle it.

"You were planning to steal my helmet?"he teased as he helped me to unbuckle the tiny belt of the helmet.Once again,I felt his long and slender fingers brushing against my chin briefly.

"Your cheeks are turning red.Is it too cold?"he asked as he took the helmet off from my head.I shook my head.He chuckled and ruffled my hair playfully.I could feel my face turning even redder than before.This is the first time anyone has ever ruffle my hair.I didn't even mind if he messed up my hair.What is wrong with me?His simple gesture makes me all giddy inside.

"Good night."he said."Good night."I replied and turned back.I could feel his eyes on me as I unlocked my house door and walked in.I flashed him a small smile before closing the door in front of me.Baekhyun has changed a little,although he still teases me,but in a good way.It felt like we had become friends.It feels so good to finally tell someone my secret and not keep it to myself.

"What's with that goofy smile on your face?"a voice asked,pulling me back into reality.I turned my head towards the couch,which became my stepdad's favorite corner.I cleared my throat and tried to keep on a straight face.When he turned his attention back to the TV,I quickly marched towards the stairs and ran up to my room.Luckily he is not in a bad mood today.All he does is eat,drink and sleep,plus watching tv in the living room,what does my mum even see in him?

After taking a bath,I recorded myself singing a song and uploaded it onto my feeds.I don't know why,but I kept smiling like an idiot.It's been so long since I had a fully sincere smile plastered on my face.Why am I so excited to finally get the permission to tutor Byun Baekhyun?

Soon the comments about my post came flooding into my notifications.I scrolled through them and read them one by one.

[TY9,you seem to be in a very good mood today.]

[Eonnie,I like this kind of music style.You usually sing sad ballads.]

[Noona,are you in love?You are singing a happy love song today.]

Me?In love?I don't think so.I just have a good mood today.

Baekhyun's POV

What has gotten into me?Why do I care so much?Why am I opening up to her so easily?All she does is bothering me and annoying me.She is only trying to convince me to let her tutor me.And for that I wanted to know what is happening to her?Why am I so stupid?

I looked at her window through the window in my bedroom.She must be sleeping by this time.Imagine living with a abusive father at that house.Should I report this to the police?But why didn't Taeyeon report it by herself,does she have a reason to not to?


I looked down at my phone.

-TY9 posted a song-

I wonder what cover did this girl cover.I tapped onto the notification and plugged in my earphones.Her voice is so soothing in my ears.The song she is singing this time is different from the songs she usually sings.I can feel her emotions when she sings the song.From the tone of her voice,she seems to be in a good mood.

I have always felt like I can relate to her as she always sing covers of songs that can touch my heart.This time,the song she sings seems like a love song.Has she fallen in love with someone?Who is that lucky guy?

I threw my phone across the bed and lied down on the bed,facing the ceiling.

I scratched the back of my head.What am I thinking?This girl made me feel a lot of things,which is so unusual to me.


A/N: Baekhyun is starting to feel.He is starting to care.That is a big change.

Hope you all enjoyed this!

Love you all!

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