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Taeyeon's POV

"We have arrived."

"Ah?"I looked up at Baekhyun who is staring down at me.

"What are you thinking? We have arrived a few seconds ago."he said, patting my shoulder to wake me up.

"Ah..."I trailed off and got off his bike.

"You didn't even budge when I take off your helmet."he chuckled.

I laughed dryly and followed behind him as he unlocked the front door.

I heaved a sigh as on the way to his house, I have made up my mind.

I stared at the back of his head as I imagined how his face will look like after I tell him that we can't be friends.

My eyes watered, thinking about that.

I remembered the time when we first met, and if I compare that to now, it really is a huge difference. He was someone everyone was afraid of, but at the same time, he was someone everyone admired. He was someone so distant, that it is hard to talk to him, let alone becoming his friend.

But the way he selflessly protects me, made me want to be closer to him. Although he doesn't express any emotions, his actions touched my heart. He is the perfect guy anyone could ask for.

Too bad that someone is out there to hurt the two of us. Bae Minhui after me. My stepfather after me and him.

We are not meant to be together, it will put my life at risk, even his.

Breaking our friendship with him is the best decision for the both of us.

"You are spacing out a lot, come in."his voice broke into my thoughts again.

Gosh...I am going to miss his killer smile that he rarely shows to people.

I followed him up to his room and took a seat in front of his desk.

"Let's revise the hot questions that may come out in the final exam."he said, getting out his exercise book. I turned back and fished out my exercise book from my bag too.

"You want to eat something before we start?"he offered.

"Nah, no thank you."I said.

"Okay. Let's start with Section B."he said.

We started taking turns to let each other memorise the points. 

Soon, it is 3:00 p.m. After packing my bag, I heaved a heavy sigh as I thought that this is our last time together. I looked at him and he cocked his head up, waiting for me to speak.

"I have something to tell you."I said, swinging my bag onto my back and putting my arm through the hole of the strap of the bag.

"What?"he asked.

"Let's...stop meeting each other."

He looked surprised as he dropped his pencil. He stood up from his seat and walked towards me.

"Why?"he asked.

"We shouldn't be friends."I said.

"Give me a reason. Why?"he asked, his voice raising a little. I could feel his blood starting to boil a little, but he is trying very hard to control his anger.

"I am tired of this. I am tired of being your friend."I lied. I didn't regret anything I did with him.

"You are a bad liar. Just tell me the real reason, I will change."he said.

The look on his face felt like a stab into my heart. He was even willing to change for me.

"We are different, Byun Baekhyun. So different...that if we continue to be friends, it will hurt the both of us."

"Can you simplify your reason?" 

"Stop asking. We are just not meant to be friends."I said and turned away. His fingers wrapped around my wrist and pulled my arm back.

"Why? Did I do something wrong? Is that the reason? Why are you being like this? We were fine just a few minutes ago."he said. His eyes tell me everything.

"We are risking our lives."I said.

He looked confuse.

"You do still remember my stepdad right? The reason he is on the run is because you came to my rescue. You have become his enemy. Who knows what he will do to you."I said.

"So this is about my life? Who are you to care about whether I live or not?"he raised his voice.


"Whether I live or die, it is not your decision to stop being friends!"

"It's not like that..."

"Maybe you are right. We shouldn't have become friends in the first place, cause I just became a burden that you worry about. Why do you even care about me?"

"Because I love you!" I shouted.

His facial expression softened.

"Because I love you, that is why I care."I cried.

He pulled my arm into him and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me.

"Is that a good enough reason to stop being friends?"I cried, hitting his back. His hand moved up to the back of my head and carressed my hair.

"Mian."he apologized. He hugged me tighter and pushed me back by grabbing my shoulders.

"You love me?"he chuckled.

"Yah, is that funny to you?"I pouted.

"So are you still going to leave me?"He asked.

I stopped smiling as I stared at him. Yeah right...why did I just confess to him? Make your mind Kim Taeyeon! Do you want him to stay or leave?

"Me too."he said.

"Huh?"I looked up at him.

He grabbed the both sides of my head and angled his head. I closed my eyes slowly as his face slowly leaned towards me.

His soft lips crashed onto mine and we kissed.

(This is not a picture of them, just for imagination purpose)

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(This is not a picture of them, just for imagination purpose)

"I love you."he said once he pulled away.


A/N: Heheheheh, after 29 chapters, they finally kissed~~~

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