Have a Good Day

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Lonnie's head bangs on the stop button of the alarm clock that rests on the floor as he slowly rolls off the bed, lazily and it was the thump of his body that snaps me awake.

"Owwww...." Lonnie whimpers, rubbing his forehead.

"Lonnie, are you okay?" I worry, running over the his side of the bed and lifting him off the floor onto my thighs as I sit down on the bed.

Running? Wait, where's my tail? Oh no. Did they already change the house's habitat already?

"My head hurts," Lonnie cries and softly I move his hand away from the puffy, bright bruise on his forehead and I lay mine down lightly.

"Ow! Blair that---" Lonnie whines, but immediately stops as he notices the temperature of my hand drops and starts to chill the bruise.

The redness finally starts to dissolve, my hand absorbing the heat and swelling as the chill of my hand slowly lays flat instead of bumpy when the bruise goes down, and as I finally move it away, the bruise vanishes along with my hand and Lonnie smiles at me.

"Thanks Blair," he says and I hug him as I lift him off the bed. "I wish you could be with me in elementary school to protect me like this."

"Lonnie, I'm always going to protect you no matter what. You know you're my little brother and my favorite brother anyway," I tease and Lonnie laughs over my shoulder. "you'll be fine in school. After all, you still have your friends and that cute blonde girl you were talking about that you like."

"How did you know?!" Lonnie questions, glancing at me with his famous shocked bug eyes, making me hysterical.

"Alright guppies! Time for school! Get dressed, get your breakfast, and head out!" Mom shouts from outside of the door.

"Do we need to shower?" Lonnie asks, stupidly.

"Well you do!" I holler, lifting him off the bed and pushing him out the bedroom, slamming the door on his way out.

"Hey!" Lonnie shouts and I laugh my way to the closet to pick out my first day of school clothing.

White dress and light brown wedges? No. Light green and white t-shirt under a navy blue jeans jacket and jeans with white sneakers? No. Hot pink and black varsity football jacket on top of black glitzy leggings and hot pink and black high tops? Heck no. Ooh! Red and blue flannel with attached tail over a white body shaper and on top of ripped black skinny jeans and white sneakers. Perfect!

"Honey, are you ready?" Mom hustles and it startles me as I hop to the door, tying my sneakers on and once I touch the doorknob, I fall on my face and groan.

"Blair, you okay?" Lonnie asks, outside the door.

"Yeah I'm good. Go downstairs, I'll meet you down there," I answer and strain to get myself off the floor.

"Oh yeah! I'm faster than you cuz you don't have your tail! Haha!!" Lonnie cheers as he runs down the stairs and I scoff. "Victoryyyyyyyy!!!! Ow!"

Quickly after I tighten my shoelaces and snatch up my backpack from the side of the bed, I swing the door open and laugh, finding Lonnie flat on his stomach with his lunch bag on the top of his head, along with his backpack.

"Victory isn't so sweet, is it?" I joke, waltzing down the stairs and lifting Lonnie back onto his feet.

"Alright! Have a great day at school, my sweet little babies. Love you and I'll see you in the afternoon. Blair, don't forget to wait for your brother at the bus stop and Lonnie, don't leave her," Mom orders, handing me a five dollar bill and opening the door.

"He won't," Instinctively as I answer and hugging Lonnie with my right arm and winking at Mom and Dad.

"Good, honey. Okay, go go. Have a good day and Blair, stay away from the water," Mom says as Lonnie and I head outside into a field of tall tan corn stalks ahead of the house.

Clear blue skies greet us from above and itchy, green bushes shake hands with the hairs standing out arms and Lonnie pulls me from the doorstep and we run, taking a left from the driveway.

"Bye Mom!" Lonnie says, waving both of our right hands at Mom as she waves at us as we keep running.

Along the way there, Lonnie takes a really bad sharp turn left again and accidentally and horribly knock over a tall boy (I'm guessing a bit more inches taller than me) with very cute and short brown hair and green eyes and I fall on the ground ahead of him.

"Sorry!" I apologize as Lonnie keeps pulling me down the street and the boy looks at me; his eyes a bright yellow flash at me and sending chills down my spine and when he blinks, his eyes go back to green and I keep running with Lonnie down the street.

"Lonnie, did you see that?" I ask. "his eyes---they were yellow instead of green!"

"I didn't and I don't care! Oh sweet! Our schools are together in one place!" Lonnie exclaims, happily.

"Oh great," I moat, glancing at the two signs that display our school names in big bold, bulky white letters [SEA CLIFF HIGH, SEA CLIFF ELEMENTARY].

"Okay, Lonnie. Have a good day at school and if you have a bad day---" I order and Lonnie joins in with my saying. "find you and we'll deal with it together. Okay Mom. Love you and have a good day at high school. If there's a boy that comes across you too, I'll rough them up."

"Shut up, short stack. Go ahead. Love you," I whisper, kissing Lonnie's forehead; he suddenly just cringes.

"Ew! Cooties!" he gags and I laugh.

"Go on," I say, pushing him away to the other side of the sidewalk leading to Sea Cliff Elementary.

Gracefully, I watch him running and laughing all the way down the pavement, smiling as he chases after the school bell and slowly, I start to slump and drag myself to my heckhole that I call my new high school. You know what Blair? Pick your head up! It's only eight hours! It can't be that bad.

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