Rotten School

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Okay. Maybe I spoke too soon. WAY too soon. As soon as I walk through the doors, those ugly, run down metal railed, dark blue painted, fake wooden doors, it was almost like I was a tiny fish swimming into a shark alley.

EVERYONE JUST COULDN'T STOP STARING AT ME. Green eyes, blue eyes, brown eyes, black eyes, all eyes just targeting like an archer aiming for a bullseye. It makes me nervous just trying to turn away, but I'm stuck and there's no outlet to this stare down. I'm eye-locked or eye-trapped? Jeez, no wonder I'm still in school.

"Blair Cadaway?"

Swiftly, I turn around to a very tall, muscular man with short ginger hair, the color also matching his beard that was cut off but is growing again, very clear blue green eyes, a white dress shirt, and glasses with lenses with could burn the veins in the back of your eyes.

"Yes sir?" I answer, awkwardly rubbing my right arm.

"Oh you're the new student to this school?" the teacher questions; his finger pointing at the bridge of my nose and I slowly nod and then suddenly makes all the students around me softly giggle and turn away to each other.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Mr McClain, your new English teacher. I talked to your parents about two days ago and you are great at art, right?" Mr McClain questions as he shakes my hand.

"Yeah kinda," I shrug as we enter Room 102, [Mr. McClain's English Class ••• Where Brainless Idiots Grow to Become Even More Brainless]

"Accurate slogan," I comment and Mr McClain chuckles as he takes a seat at his desk and I stand in front of it.

"Oh you can have a seat. No need to stand," Mr McClain offers, pointing at the seat smack in the middle of the room in front of his desk and respectfully I do.

"Nerve racking, right?" he jokes with a warming smile on his face and I softly chuckle.

"No, I'm...I'm fine. It's just that I never really came to a school where people laugh at you and stuff when you walk through the front door," I answer, taking a deep breath.

"People here always do that, but you have nothing to worry about, okay?" Mr McClain asks and I nod, nervously laughing and soon after the school bell rings, my head hits the desk.

"Blair," Mr McClain laughs and pattering and stomping rumbles into the room, masking his laughter and I groan.

"Okay okay everyone. Settle down. Take a seat. Welcome back to school. Hope you're ready to go brain dead after today," The class laughs at Mr McClain's joke and slowly I lift my head up, my eyes laying on top of my wrists.

"So we have a new student today and no one bother her since everyone here knows Danny Cadaway. His little sister is in this room, Blair," Mc McClain calls my embarrassing name and everyone's eyes turn directly at me.

"Ew. Blair? Jeez a name like Danny, I thought his family would have a better name," the girl with cherry blonde hair and ugly clown makeup on her face insults, causing everyone to laugh and I sigh.

"Theresa. Shh," Mr McClain orders and as I stand up, Mr McClain glances at me from Strawberry Shortcake and I sigh.

"At least I don't need makeup to cover my mistakes," I say and the entire class bursts out laughing with me, drawing a smirk on my face.

"Yeah. I'm Danny's little sister, Blair Cadaway. I'm not really sure how this school really works but looks like it's gonna suck since a childhood memory is going to be on my butt all year, but nice to meet all of you," I introduce myself and as I take a seat, Mr McClain laughs, leading to the entire class to laugh.

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