Family Visit

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Ky still isn't budging. Not even a single sound or fidget dances from his body, he's just still and I don't like it. The fact that he was growling a couple of minutes ago and then all of a sudden dead silent is absolutely scaring the living shit out of me of possibly him morphing without Luke here to help him. This can't happen here or now, it just can't. There's too many people here that can't get hurt.

"Mr Sabanthia, do you have a problem?" Mr McClain drops his marker on the desk to get everyone to stare at Ky now and still just nothing.

"He has a horrible stomach bug. He's not feeling well at the moment," Theresa shockingly answers for Ky.

"Why can't he tell me that? Did he pass out or something?" Mr McClain asks, worried now.

Did he pass out?

"Ky, you alright man?" I ask, shaking Ky's left arm.

It was  just when I get to probably the twelfth shake, his right hand immediately whips away   from under his left arm and darts directly onto my wrist, his claws longer and sharper than earlier, but I'm guessing he's squeezing down because my skin's wrinkling under his fist and I can't feel it if it hurts since the last time I felt was four years ago, but everyone needs to get the fuck out here. But since Mr McClain's here, I can't act like it doesn't hurt.

"Guys, get out of the classroom!" Mr McClain shouts at everyone to hurry up and leave, as they do and just leaves me, Theresa, Veronica, Mr McClain, and Ky; the only threat in the room and Blair runs out afterwards to either find Mom, Dad, or Danny and Veronica runs after her in case she doesn't end up hurt.

(Acadia's POV) Clinic

"I mean he's doing fine at the moment. He was worried about it this morning and Jace was the one who saw him morphing before Mason and I did," I say on the phone with Ky's uncle, who's on the way to the school.

"Oh yeah. Jason. How's he doing? Last time I saw him, he was as small as my worker's boot," Luke teases, making me laugh a little bit.

"He's doing fine. He's gotten buff since you left," I answer.

"Jace got muscles now? That's my man! Okay Sea Cliff High, right?" Luke asks about the school name and I look out of the window to find his old red pickup truck park behind Mason's navigator.

"Same truck in over seven years. You never changed, bonehead," I joke, smiling as Luke laughs over the line.

The thing is that my dad married two women; one being my mother and then Luke's mother who he also impregnated with me and Luke. Hopefully before it's too late or too awkward, Jace could find out that Ky is actually his half cousin, not best friend and Luke is my older half brother. Crazy shit, I know.

"Yeah I have. I don't have short hair anymore and I---"

"Luke? Wha---" I quickly push myself away from the window when I see the kids from Jace's class run out their classroom, screaming bloody murder and the line with Luke immediately cuts off, but I get side tracked by finding Red standing at the door just smiling at me. "Luke?"

"Hey Ace, don't you look stunning," Red smiles, closing the door behind him and locking it.

Keeping my eyes on him, I slowly put the telephone back on the stand and instead of pushing the button on my belt that gives Mason a heads up that I'm in trouble, I leave it alone and face Red all by myself. Although he's in high school, he's older than both Jace and Ky and the looks that make him assumably older than my husband. Plus, we've fought before and he's always lost, so I wonder what the hell he wants from me.

"Why are you here, scumbag?" I answer, scanning Red from his claws to his blood red eyes and he chuckles.

"Well to talk to the school nurse, of course. I've had these weird cravings recently right after my dad came back to the classroom with a busted forehead because his "son" has anger management issues and I think I've been getting these cravings because I've been had anger issues too. Tonight's a full moon, Acadia, meaning you, your crappy husband, and your son are going to be weak and the idiot who I had as my right hand man is going to be stronger than all of you. It's not like I'm going to follow territory rules and try and go after that deaf bitch that wanted to bad mouth my sister. I'm gonna take my advantages and completely damage all of you, including what's Danny's little brother's name? Lonnie was it?" I snap, angrily grabbing him by his shirt and slam him into the back of the front door and punch him hard across his face twice. Then he grabs my fist when I attempt a third swing and I twist his arm, throw it down and behind him to have him flip onto his back, hard and loud enough for the impact of his landing to slap the floor.

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