I'm the Asshole

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"Blair?" Mr McClain calls from the front of the room and I don't even attempt to budge, even when Jace taps my right arm. "you okay, sweetheart?"

"Blair, you okay?" Jace whispers and I nod to him, starting to hear Theresa laughing at me from behind which sinks my self confidence.

"Ky, go have a seat behind Blair. You'll meet her later," Mr McClain orders the boots to march to the table behind me and I sigh. "onto our lesson. Introducing ourselves..."

"Hey you okay?" Jace asks, quietly and I nod, feeling his left hand shake my shoulder up and down as I slowly lift my head up from the table.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask, Jace turns to me with his glistening blue eyes and he nods at me. "it's kind of awkward, but I think it was me."

"What happened?" Jace questions.

"I think it's my fault that he's late," I mouth and Jace raises his eyebrow in confusion.

"That's why you didn't say anything! It's Blair's fault Ky has detention! Wow!" Theresa shouts loudly as she stands up, pointing at me and Jace glances at her as I stare at the front when my face turns completely red of embarrassment.

"Ummmm okay? You proven yourself that you blurt out dumb shit that had no effect on the person you shouting about, so sit the fuck down, Cherry Head," Jace willingly defends me, making Theresa scoff at him and take a seat.

"Mr Griffin, your language?" Mr McClain questions, dropping his dry-erase marker on his desk after he finished writing on the board and turns to Jace.

"Sorry sir," Jace apologizes and softly I giggle at the fake apologetic face he gives me when he turns from Mr McClain and rolls his eyes.

"Okay. Blair, can you come up to the front of the room?" Mr McClain asks and I nod, slowly scooting my seat back. "And...Ky, come up here."

And I scoot back in and slump as Ky moves from behind me and walks to the front of the room.

"Blair, come on," Jace whispers and I sigh.

"If he kills me, then it's gonna be your fault," I whisper, angrily getting out of the seat and Jace laughs my way up to the front, then to right beside Ky and Mr McClain, as gleeful as he is.

"Face each other, you two," he whispers and I freeze as Ky's body heat of his chest turns to me and stares at me.

"Let me help you. Just..." Mr McClain murmurs, grabbing my shoulders and he turns me to face Ky and Ky looks me dead in the eyes, sending thousands of butterflies in my stomach. "isn't that better?"


"Perfect," Ky answers, his eyes preying upon my eyes and the look that he gives me gives an entire idea that he knows who I am now. The asshole who knocked him down and gave him another day of detention. Oh fudgemonkeys.

"So here's the exercise. Introducing ourselves. Like this. Blair, how about you shake Ky's hand?" Mr McClain asks and I gawk at him.

"Uhhhhhh..." I groan, slowly lifting my hand away from my side and looking down at it.

"Ew! Blair's gonna get cooties!" Jace hollers, suddenly and as he hits the floor, cringing, the entire classroom fills with laughter and I nervously smile at Jace as he keeps shaking and he winks at me.

"Okay okay. Jace, get off the floor," Mr McClain chuckles, waving his hand at Jace's seat.

"Ugh! Jace, you're so childish!" Theresa cries and Jace gets up from his seat quickly and as he glares at her, the class's laughter goes dead silent and Theresa gawks at Jace, her face painted with fear.

"Okay...now back to the activity. Go ahead, Blair," Mr McClain says, elbowing my left arm and with my right arm, I slowly lift my hand and connect it with Ky's.

"Ky, shake her hand," Mr McClain whispers; I didn't even realize that Ky was staring dead at me once I looked up and slowly our hands move up and down. "Now pleasant smiles and just say some interesting things about yourself."

"Ummmm I'm Blair and I like arts and crafts," I introduce myself, nervously.

"I'm Ky and I hate going to detention and I also know that you're the chick that gave me another detention," Ky says, stepping towards me, hiding his anger under a tiny smile. 

"That's...um...that's not interesting," Jace coughs under his breath and some parts of the class chuckles and giggles.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea to put you two together since I guess you both know each other "well". Jace, switch with Ky," Mr McClain says and happily, Jace gets out of his seat and as Ky walks past me, knocking into my shoulder purposely hard, Jace stares at him as he walks away and once he sits down, Jace smiles at me and I irk a fake smirk.

"I think you're cute," he whispers as he leans close to my ear and I blush, trying my best to keep my smile under control and I embarrassingly let out a tiny little giggle.

"Aww young love. Sweet and disgusting," Mr McClain says, causing the class to laugh again. "Okay. Let's try this again."

Jace looks at my right hand and back at my eyes with a cocky smile, slowly moving his hand into mine and lifting it up to his bottom lip. Is he doing what I think he's doing?

"Ummmmm Mr. Griffin?" Mr McClain whispers and I drop my jaw, followed by some girls murmuring and gasping as Jace kisses my hand slowly while making deep eye contact with me and I am at a scramble for words. He kisses my hand. What am I supposed to say? I'm lost and also feeling a bit happy at the moment, but I just met this guy. What do I do?

"Okayyyyyy?" Mr McClain says, awkwardly scratching the back of his head and Jace smiles at me as he lowers our hands down at our waist level. "you know what? Let's move on from this topic. Both of you weirdos sit down."

Jace's chilly, but very smooth hand stays locked in mine as I walk back to my seat, the awkward shiver of my nerves jumping slithers up from my wrist to my shoulder and Theresa gives me a deathly stare, along with Ky. With me realizing that my seat is right in front of the boy who literally wants to tear me to nothing but dust, Jace takes my seat and he pulls me over into his seat.

"What was that?" I whisper as he glances at me with a bright white grin; he winks at me and faces the front, leaving me to shudder alone and blush as he rubs my knuckle with his thumb under the desk.

"So just in case you are new here, like Blair Cadaway here, I'll introduce myself. I'm Keith McClain, an English teacher and a very crude and honest adult. I'm in my mid-twenties and am part of the LGBT+ clubs in this school because I am bisexual and not afraid to admit it to any of you. I like to joke around a lot and get off topic..." Mr McClain explains, sitting on his desk and making eye contact with each of the three aisles of eyes in the room.

"Hey Blair! Blair!" Theresa whispers from behind me and she taps my left shoulder vigorously, just begging me to look at her. "How do you get your hair to curl like that? Did the crabs from your underwear curl them for you?"

"...and I have like a whole ton of cats but I'm not lonely...sort of..." Mr McClain jokes, erupting some laughter from the right wing of the classroom.

"I heard your brother doesn't live with you anymore. Jeez. What'd you do to get him out? Be born?" Theresa insults and I already feel tears rushing down my cheeks, but I still don't move.

"Theresa, that's enough. Shut the fuck up," Ky whispers and I see Jace glance at me, dropping his friendly smiling into serious frowning and I attach my hand over my mouth.

"No I'm not done," Theresa laughs to Ky at me and quickly, Jace whips a glare at her.

"Yes you are," he hisses and everybody turns to the situation and Mr McClain gets off his desk, rushing over to my side.

"Blair," he asks and I begin to cry at the same time as the end of first period bell rings; everyone rushing out of the room except for the five of us, including Mr McClain as he comforts me.

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