High Suspicions

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(Jace's POV) Outside The Bathroom

"Yeah he was sooo mad about the note. Messing with these guys are so easy, god damn. But then there's that kid with the orange hair... what do I do again? But I thought you said he can't die, but I'm not going to let that kid ruin my plans on getting that Sabanthia kid. Ohhh. The orange hair kid is a special one too? Oh I'll just keep my eye out on him,"

Wow, a spy. How creative.

"Well I got to get back to class. I'll talk to you in a few," the kid says as his voice gets closer towards the door and then I step right in front of him to get a better look at this idiot. Jeez he even smells like garbage too.

Trashy long brown girl hair up to his collarbone, a hideous bold mole on his left cheekbone, weasel darker brown eyebrows which matches the shit color of his eyes, and he's a bit taller than me by an inch. He stares at me like he's seen a ghost as he stumbles back when I step forward towards him, which just makes me disappointed at how he was talking so tough, but now he sees me.

"Hi," I smile at him and then quickly frown, balling my fist and punching him square in the jaw.

His headset flies from the side of his ear when he hits the floor after my strike and then when he decides to get back up, I grab him up and throw him towards the air dryers, breaking one off the wall and denting the second one close to the sink. I purposely stomp on his headset after I lock the bathroom door behind me and I yank him up by his hair, kick his legs back, let go his hair, and his head hits the floor hard, but no worries, he's (sadly) still breathing as I squat down and sit beside him.

"Oh I'm sorry. I never got to tell you my name before his fist collided with your face. I'm Jace Griffin, the special orange hair kid here to foil your plans from earlier. Oh man that sucks. Your headset broke. I'm pretty sure that in this was important and then so were those shatterproof cameras and microphones on your chest too. You're after my best friend and my girlfriend, huh? Well I mean I don't give a damn about foiling your shitty plans at all," I say to the idiot and I grab him by the back of his shirt collar to slam him up against the wall and he squeezes my arm to try and pry it off.

"That doesn't hurt, you know? I can actually try and break your neck right now, so you could try and that wouldn't end so well," the spy stops pulling off my arm from his throat and I give him a punch in the gut. "see? Did that hurt?"

"You don't even know what you're dealing with, dumbass," the spy spits as he starts pulling at my arm again and I sigh.

Wow, he just stole my line.

"So I'm a dumbass. Okay then," I shrug and then I throw the spy over my shoulder and have him land on the floor, including his busted headset and lay against the wall, crossing my arms just watching him lay in pain with piece of his microphone sticking to his back. "I know exactly what I'm dealing with, kid. You're a dumbass freshman who just thinks he's tough, but you're wasting your time fighting a brick wall. If you were just gonna try and spy on all of us, you didn't need to make it obvious, but of course you're just a dumbass."

"That's impossible because vampires can feel pain, but because you're Mason's kid, you're special---" the spy groans and I quicker grab him by his shirt collar and have him straight up close in my face, looking at him dead in the eye.

"How in the fuck do you know my dad?" I grit my teeth as I ask the dumbass.

"Mason Briarwood is one of the few supernatural beings in Sea Cliff who never went through the same process as his original species, which is why when he was bitten at a young age, he jumped from a newborn to an immortal when he was thirteen and reached a lord at sixteen. He skipped mortal, the stage where you can get your sense of feeling, which is why if he bit anyone, his traits would pass on to them," the spy answers and I drop him on his back again.

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