Team Leaders

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After a couple of hours of figuring out how to turn my tail back into my feet when really all I had to do was get out of the water and dry off, Jace carries me to Mr Briarwood's room, allowing me to wear his black gym shorts and a poofy black My Chemical Romance sweatshirt to keep me warm. We make it into the room once I see Red holding an ice pack over his eye and his cheeks covered with bandages, Jace turns my head with his chin, Erica closes the door behind us and all of us take a seat.

"All I know is that they broke some rules? Can someone explain it all specifically?" Mr Briarwood asks, sitting on his desk and untying his wet hair which was still dripping.

"Well it all started with Barry coming over to the table and then he called Danny a peasant..." Jace starts and he glances at Danny.

"...but Blair defended me and said that the costume Barry was wearing looked like he got it from Party City and then..." Danny adds, slowly glancing at me.

"It's all my fault. If I didn't say anything to them, we wouldn't have---" I admit to my fault.

"No it wasn't. Theresa was the one who started it by calling you Fish Girl. Then Red's stupid ass got up to fight her, then both of our groups confronted each other. Theresa was about to slap Danny if Blair didn't catch her hand. Red called her bitch and I knew that he gonna kill her right then and there, so I intervened," Ky speaks for me and we all look at him.

"So then you broke a rule for her?" Mr Briarwood questions and Ky shrugs.

"Red broke more rules for Theresa which were completely obvious, so how am I a shock?" Ky asks.

"Dude. He's just asking a question. Why are you talking to him like he's stupid? Don't give my dad an attitude," Jace defends.

"I'm not trying to start shit, but don't tell me what to do and what the fuck I say," Ky says, clutching his fists.

"All I'm saying is watch your fucking tone or I'll smack that stupid look on your face," Jace threatens and Ky gets out of his seat, knocking over his desk and I hold Jace back when he gets up as well.

"Jace, Jace," I whisper, trying to pull Jace back into his seat and Danny holds Ky back while Liam puts his desk back on its legs. "please calm down. Please."

Jace looks to me, then at Danny and Ky, and he slowly lowers down to his chair and I jump on him to prevent him from getting back up and I see Ky smack Danny's arms off him and angrily taking his seat, which makes me angry at the way he hits him.

"Hey!" I shout and Ky looks at me. "I don't care if he made you mad or not. You're just lucky that you didn't get your butt whooped by another boy because he's the one who held you back, so don't you ever put your hands on him like that. He's older than you and you think that you're a bad boy and you can do whatever you want, but you're wrong. Watch your tone, watch your hands, or I'll beat your tail."

"Oohhhh..." Erica moans in amazement as I take a seat beside Jace, calmly and Jace gawks at me.

"You won't do shit," Ky spits.

"Try me," I reply back without facing him. "and one more thing, stay away from my little brother if you don't want your claws down your throat."

"Blair, enough," Danny chuckles and Jace covers my mouth from saying something else that could possibly be very regretful.

"Okay Blair," Mr Briarwood says with a smirk on his face trying not to laugh at my attitude." so that's the whole story?"

"Red attacked Ky when he defended Blair, then Ky got pissed and destroyed Red's ugly face, but we couldn't watch because Theresa threw water on Blair, forcing her to transform and trying to humiliate her in front of the entire school, so I threw her off the table and threw the bucket at her while Danny helped Blair and Ky helped us escape," Erica explains. "yes, that's the whole story."

"So they broke five rules," Mr Briarwood says.


"Five?" we all question in shock and Mr Briarwood nods at us.

"So you're with us then, Sabanthia?"

"Absolutely," Ky answers, suddenly willing to join and I look at him, finding him smiling at Mr Briarwood.

"Why are you so willing now? Weren't you just a pain in the butt before?"

"Am I not allowed to be happy, Mom?" Ky questions in sarcasm.

"I'd throw up if you were my son," I answer and Erica smacks my arm to get me to shut up.

"Blair, outside. Now please," Mr Briarwood orders, which startles me and also Danny as he looks at me and I stand up.

"Wait. Shouldn't I---" Danny starts.

"No. Just me. What I want you to do is welcome your new team member and I'll deal with your newest one," Mr Briarwood interrupts as I reach the door and turn the knob.

"But that's like going to the father without discussion with the siblings first. That's my sister. She has my mouth, not your---not--- just let me handle it," Danny says and there's a completely long pause once I step out of the room, then the door shuts.

Oh boy, I messed up. I messed up big time. What if Danny loses his leadership because of me? What if Danny hits me? What if they all get mad at me? What if...what if?

"Blair, listen to me---"

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I got so defensive. I just didn't like the way Ky put his hands on Danny like that! I just got so mad. I couldn't even contain it. I just wanted to stand up for him, but Danny could take care of himself cuz he's the older brother, but it's just not right! I didn't want to sit there and let him get disrespected like that! That's my brother and I'm sorry that I went too far with the insults and the comebacks and the arguments," I blurt out, shaking and crying as I apologize with my back faced to whoever it is behind me.


"I don't want to cost Danny his leadership. It's my mouth, not his and he shouldn't be paying the price for it. I'm so sorry. I did mean those things and I didn't mean them if it's just going to hurt or affect Danny. I'm so sorry, I promise."


A butterfly flutters around in my stomach, flipping out as much as I am. Very quickly, I whip my head around and I see Danny, standing right behind me with his arms crossed and tears running down his face. I stare at him once I turn my entire body to match dead on eye contact with him and he starts to smile, as well as nodding as tears immediately rush down his chin.

"Come here, you yabber mouth," he laughs and I hug him, beginning to smile and he wraps his arms around me, traveling his warm palm against my back and he kisses my forehead.

"All because of me?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry that I got Mr Briarwood mad at you for not letting him talk to me. It's all my fault," I blame myself as I start to cry and Danny picks my head up, laying both his left and right hands on my cheeks.

"You shut up and listen to me," he says and immediately I glance my watery light blue eyes at him as he tries to hold back his tears. "don't blame it on yourself. You were just defending people and you shouldn't be sad about that. You were awesome, you know that? You are awesome and I love you. Unless it's tears of joy, you shouldn't be crying. Thank you so much. I am so lucky to have you as my sister and you didn't affect anything against me."

And it was after that statement that I burst out crying and immediately hug him as his hands slip from my cheeks and Danny pats my back as I keep bawling my "tears of joy".

"plus that mouth of yours need to get in check."

"I know, Danny. I know," I laugh and Danny smiles at me as he looks down and I look up so that we face each other and he kisses my forehead again.

"Danny, you're embarrassing me," I groan, sarcastically and Danny laughs as I move out of his arms with a smug look on my face.

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